Point of Rock Chapter NSDAR Minutes



A dessert meeting was held 1pm, May 7, 2022 at the Knight Museum meeting room. Delicious and beautiful cupcakes were served by Linda Lebeda. Six members were present.

Before our business meeting we were glad to present our Eda Hempel DAR Scholarship recipient,

McKenna Ruffing, with her 2022 scholarship. Many family members were present for the occasion.

McKenna will be attending UNO in the fall majoring in computer science.

Our business meeting was called to order by Regent Audrey Hoeler at 140pm, she led us in the Opening Ritual and Pledge of Allegiance.

President General’s Message: Denise Doring VanBuren sent her final letter of her term and thanked all DAR’s for the privilege of serving as our President General during the last 3 years, clouds overshadowed over 2 of these years. Now it is time to walk in the sunshine again. The 131st Continental Congress- a celebration three years in the making will be the first in person conference of this administration. The world is watching the tragic events unfolding in Ukraine and she cannot help but see the parallels to our own ancestor, who fought a mighty army seeking self-determination and freedom from tyranny. Let us never forget what they did-or what it has meant to us, their posterity.

National Defense: May 6 is Military Spouse Appreciation Day. Observed on the Friday before Mother’s Day. Since 1984 when President Ronald Reagan recognized the profound importance of spousal commitment to the readiness and well-being of our military. Through their support, spouses serve the nation in their way just as their loved ones do.

Indian Minutes: Arctic/Subarctic Native Americans survived some of the coldest weather on the planet. They include the Inuit people of Alaska who also lived primarily off of whale and seal meat.

Secretary’s Report was accepted as read.

Our State Regent will meet with our chapter and Sandhills Chapter at The Haven on Box Butte June 6. several have volunteered to bring desserts.

Program was getting to know each other better and the members told of things that interest them, it was very fun and informative.

We thanked Linda for being our hostess and the meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.