Point of Rock Chapter NSDAR Minutes

By Dorothy Carnine


Point of Rock Chapter, NSDAR, met for a dessert meeting at the home of Regent Audrey Hoerler . Ten members and guests were present and a delicious pumpkin dessert was served.

Our business meeting was called to order at 1:15pm by Regent Audrey Hoerler, leading us in the

Opening Ritual and Pledge of Allegiance.

President General’s Message: This month we celebrate 132 years since the founding of our National Society in 1890. Today we are more than 190,000-women strong and engage in activities all over our country and the world, everything that we do remains grounded in service and patriotism. This month also marks the 130th anniversary of the first recorded organized recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America.

Indian Minutes: Hiawatha–Sometime in the 16th century a Huron prophet named Deganawidah was supposedly inspired through a dream to stop the infighting among the Iroquoian speakers. His prophet Hiawatha – a Mohawk according to the Indian legend that was later fictionalized with some variations by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow – paddled from tribe to tribe, spreading the message of peace and brotherhood. This resulted in the formation of League of Iroquois Nations. Formed from the Cayuga, Seneca, Oneida, Mohawk, and Onondaga tribes, with the later inclusion of the Tuscarora. It may have been the new threat of the white man that caused the tribes to unite.

National Defense: What is Red Friday? It’s a way to support all personnel in the US military. To wear red on Fridays shows support of deployed service personnel around the world.

Secretary’s Report was accepted as read.

Business: The Veteran’s Day Parade will be on 11-5-22 at 11am. We will meet at 10:30, Joni Merrigan will have a car for us to ride in with the US and DAR flags.

Program: Regent Audrey gave a very interesting report on Car-henge, east of Alliance. People come from all over the world to see it and many advertisements and publications have used it. She read the history and progress of it becoming a part of our community. Many of us added our stories to her reading.

We thanked Audrey for being our hostess. On November 12th Colleen will host us at the Hemingford Library. We will carpool at 12:30 at Linda Sutphen’s home. Meeting adjourned at 2:20.