Point of Rock Chapter NSDAR Minutes


Point of Rock Chapter, NSDAR, met for a dessert meeting at the Knight Museum at 1pm. Linda Lobeda was our hostess with delicious cupcakes from Laramie, WY. The Opening Ritual and Pledge of Allegiance were led by Regent Audrey Hoerler.

The President General’s Message was an invitation to the Virtual 130 Continental Congress. Denise VanBuren is our President General and suggests a watch party of various events.

Indian Minutes: A totem is a spirit being, sacred object, or symbol of a tribe, clan, family or individual. Some Native American tribe’s tradition provides that each person is connected with nine different animals that will accompany him or her through life, acting as guides.

National Defense Report: 75 years after WW11, memories burn bright for Guy DeGenaro who arrived in Hamden, Conn from Italy when he was 16 months old. He tells his story of enlistment, training and crossing the Atlantic again as a glider pilot.

Secretary’s Report was approved as corrected.

Correspondence: A very nice thank you from Katelyn Varner was received after receiving the Eda Hemple DAR Memorial Scholarship. She will attend Chadron State College and work toward a degree in criminal justice.

The chapter laid a wreath at the Court House on Memorial Day.

Linda Lobeda presented our program on Real Daughters, a DAR member as well as the actual daughter of a patriot. The closest Real Daughter to us is Rebecca Burdick Winters whose grave is now located in the Fairview Cemetery in Scottsbluff. Serendipty happened: Kathie Hutchinson has been going through her mother’s pictures when she was State Regent and happened to bring pictures of the dedication of of the Winters grave in the 90’s.

Regent Audrey thanked Linda for being hostess and program . Our nest meeting will be September 11, Regent Audrey will be Hostess.