Point of Rock Chapter NSDAR Minutes



Point of Rock Chapter, NSDAR, met for a dessert meeting at the Rosewood Estates at 1pm January 8, 2022. Linda Sutphen was our hostess. We each brought a plate or crock pot of something that we had had for the holidays. There were 6 members present. Delicious goodies were served.

Regent Audrey Hoerler led us in the Opening Ritual and the Pledge of Allegiance. She read the President General’s Message: There are few things as bright and shiny as the prospect of a new year on the horizon. This is our time to Rise up and Shine like never before—as both members of the DAR and American citizens. She hopes that we will resolve to find or renew our passion in our vital service organization through involvement in one of the committees in our chapter.

National Defender: The USO—80 years of service. Since 1941 the USO has been the nation’s leading organization serving the men and women in the US military, and their families, throughout their time in uniform. From the time that they join and through their assignments and deployments, and as they transition back to their communities, the USO is always by their side. It is not part of the federal government, but relies on the generosity of individuals, organizations, and corporations to support its activities, and is powered by a family of volunteers to accomplish its mission of connection.

Indian Minutes: Great Plains—One of the largest areas and perhaps most famous group of American Indians, the Great Plains Indians were known for hunting bison. They were nomadic people who lived in teepees and moved constantly following the bison herds. Tribes included Blackfoot, Arapahoe, Cheyenne, Comanche and Crow.

Secretary’s Report: was approved as read.

Business: Christmas Cards were signed and sent from our chapter by Linda Sutphen to the VA Hospital in Hot Springs SD.

It was moved, seconded and carried that we send $50 to the NE NSDAR for the 2 Revolutionary War markers.

Our State Conference is in March, no one is attending from our chapter.

Anne Adam gave us a nice report on The American Spirit DAR magazine.

We thanked Linda for being our hostess. Our next meeting will be in the home of Joni Merrigan.

Meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m.