Powerful or Powerless

Power, is man powerful or powerless? Do we sin much or just once in awhile when we slip out the wrong words?

Does one have to increase in age before they can realize that maybe we are not so powerful. Does one have to be told you are dying of an uncurable disease before one thinks everything over? Does one have to get thrown in prison before one realizes certain things?

Would it be harder for me to understand if I was a veteran of a few Super Bowls? Would my friends leave me if they thought I was powerless? I believe sin likes us to believe that we are powerful, then it can tell us that we don’t need any help, especially Jesus Christ. Sin is a powerful enemy, it is the enemy that tells us to live for today, seek as much worldly pleasure as you can, don’t worry about anyone else. It might seem ironic to you but it is this kind of life that makes us so miserable. I think these questions might be kind of basic training for one so your sails can be set in the right direction.

The Bible says man is a lost and condemned sinner. The Bible says “apart from me you have no good thing.” Without God sin will overtake us, give us an unfulfilled live on earth and a place in hell someday. But God did not want this for you or anyone else, He died for all our sins, He paid the bill in full so that we could have a life here on earth and an eternal home in Heaven some day.

The Bible says ” When I am weak than I am strong.” (When I am not depending on self but on Him than I have power.) Seek a godly church there is power there that God wants you to have not a worldly power but the power to know you are forgiven if you confess your weaknesses. God Bless You!