PSWGA Competes at Mitchell

The Panhandle Senior Women’s Golf Association played Scenic Knolls at Mitchell on July 24th, with 33 ladies competing on a hot, summer day.

Taking first place with a score of 75 gross/59.95 net was Ronda Roth, Beth Korell, Lisa Racine, and Cindy Francisco. In second place was the team of Londa Maron, Tami Pierce, Joy Eberhardt, and Carole Derr with a score of 76 gross/60.30 net. Right behind in third place, was the team of Terry Espinoza, Lisa Richardson, and Patty Schaneman with a score of 74 gross/60.90 net. And in fourth place, turning in a score of 78 gross/64.13 net was the team of Becky Mikel, Deb Emrich, Terry Rajewich, and Bebe Shortall.

Flag prizes were awarded as follows: Longest Drive “A” Player – Ronda Roth, Longest Drive “B” Player – Lisa Richardson, Longest Drive “C” Player – Terry Rajewich and Longest Drive “D” Player – Cindy Francisco. Sally Plover and Chris Lapaseotes won Longest Putt flags. Terry Espinoza was closest to the pin on the drive for Hole #5. Joy Eberhardt was closest to the water on Hole #4 without going in. Deb Emrich was closest to the pin on 3rd shot at Hole #6, and Beth Korell was closest to the pin on the drive on Hole #8.