Quips and Quotes

Some folks have a habit of prefacing a comment by saying, “to be honest.” This always makes me wonder—if they have to tell me they are being honest, does that mean that generally they aren’t? Most of us could stand to be more discriminating in our communications.

To be honest, I’m a thief. I gather quotes that seem helpful and use them in all sorts of situations, often just as a reminder to myself. I try to give credit, but that’s not always possible. Here are some words that make sense to me, and a bit of nonsense to spice things up.

Being honest is a lot harder than being good.”

Peggy Godfrey

Impossible isn’t a fact. It’s an opinion.”


Don’t waste your life trying to fix people you didn’t break.”


When you make your own ten commandments, the ground gets pretty soft underfoot.” Dave

God doesn’t waste wisdom on the young.”


It’s better to give than to lend, and it costs about the same.”

Gene Lynch

I’ve got from now on.”

Tom Dorrance

There is no finish line.”

Matthew Fox

Write it so you can pull a string through it.”

Billy Joe Shaver

I’m writing my freedom, one line at a time.”

Merle Haggard

Not my circus, not my monkeys.”


These next are from Sean Dietrich.

Don’t go fishing with anyone you wouldn’t let marry your sister.”

Always carry deodorant in your truck. You don’t want to smell like you’ve been out roping Billy goats when you bump into the pastor.”

That smart phone is making you stupid.”

Playing on your phone in public is like peeing in a parking garage. Unless it’s a life or death emergency it’s gross.”

Being right isn’t near as much fun as getting along.”

The secret to life is not to want anything.”

Get rid of things to get down to want you want.”

Don’t punish people with your rightness.

Boys, if you ‘marry up’ you’ll have to attend a lot of parties you don’t want to go to. You wanna be happy, marry someone who knows her way around a supermarket.”

I close my weekly radio spot with this. Can’t recall the source, but if we all made it our motto the world might be a more peaceful place.

Do your best. Somebody might like it.”