Randolph Recognized with Bowl of Hygia Award

The “Bowl of Hygeia” is the most widely recognized international pharmacy symbol derived from Greek mythology. Hygeia was the daughter and assistant of Es-Kah-Lay-Pi-Ous, the God of Medicine and Healing. Her classical symbol was a bowl containing a medicinal potion, with the serpent of wisdom (or guardianship) partaking in it. This is the same serpent of wisdom that appears on the caduceus, which symbolizes medicine.

The “Bowl of Hygeia” Award is presented annually by participating pharmacy associations in fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The recipients are selected by their respective associations for their outstanding record of community service. The American Pharmacists Association Foundation and the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations sponsor the Bowl of Hygeia Award. These pharmacists have distinguished themselves through their actions.

The 2023 Bowl of Hygeia recipient, David Randolph RPh, is passionate about the profession of pharmacy. He is passionate about his patients, his business’s growth, his field’s innovation, insurance reform, and his staff. He is a prime example of pharmacy excellence. He is innovative and has brought in many services like test-to-treat, point-of-care testing, Regen-Cov Therapy, antioxidant scans, a weight loss clinic, expansive MTM services, and more. While pushing himself to practice at the top of his license, he never forgets the patient and the care each one deserves. Customer service is always his top priority. He lives by his grandpa’s mantra, “Chase the person, not the dollar.” He prioritizes patient care in several ways, like personally calling them on their birthdays, ensuring a person always picks up the phone instead of a machine, taking time to talk to everyone who comes through the door, and somehow, in his spare time, finds time to create educational social media content to promote further understanding of the medication people are taking. Running a successful business and taking care of his patients is not enough. He is a difference-maker. This has led him to testify before various state legislative committees to evoke change for the entire field. It also took him to Washington, DC, for the NCPA Congressional Fly-In, where he advocated for insurance reform on the Hill. His heart to make a difference in this world has taken him halfway across the country, but it also impacts his daily life in the panhandle of Nebraska. He frequently serves in the community, working late, coming in after hours, and going the extra mile for the people in his backyard because he wants to be proud of the legacy he leaves behind.

Aside from being an outstanding pharmacist and advocate, he is a great boss. He treats his employees like family and creates a work environment that people enjoy. He has also been a preceptor for multiple schools over the past few years and has mentored many pharmacy students, allowing them to see what independent pharmacy is like in a real-world setting. If you met him in person, you would never realize how much he does or what he is a part of because he is humble. However, he may tell you to check out his TikTok. He does not do things for recognition or awards. Driving through the town of Hemingford at night, you often see his head poke above the pharmacy counter far after closing. What is he doing? MTMs most likely or vetting a new service. Some may say he needs a better work-life balance, but to him, he is living his best life doing what he loves.

David is one who epitomizes the principles of community service for which this award was developed.

Please join us in congratulating the newest member of the Nebraska Pharmacists Association’s Bowl of Hygeia Award Recipient “family,” David Randolph Rph.

Randolph operates Dave’s Pharmacy, located in Hemingford and Alliance.