Reflecting on Accomplishments

Well now that we are out for Christmas Break, we look back on our accomplishments and the areas we need to improve. FFA has a lot of exciting things to come in the year.

The first three months of the year are our busiest time of year. We will have three contests in January, February, and in March. These are what is called CDE,s (our hands on contest).

Then we have State FFA in April unfortunately this year it will be virtual due to the problems we are facing right now. Everyone that has qualified in an event district wide will be eligible to compete at the State level in April.

Also, we have what’s called State FFA Degrees and you earn this my logging all the time spent in your Supervised Agriculture Experience, which every FFA member must have. So, after the first of the year will be getting those applications filled out and ready to be judged.

But aside from that, in our meetings we will be discussing more Community Service projects, details on contests, and more information on our State Degrees, how to apply for those, and the requirements for the degree. We hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope to bring you more updates as we hit our busiest time of the year.

Until next time, Roz.