Reflections for the Week of April 1-5, 2024


∙ Chief completed all new-hire onboarding requirements.

∙ Attended City Council Meeting.

∙ Lieutenant Kirk Felker was recognized for his hard work and dedication during his time as Interim Chief.

∙ Attended Clear Gov training.

∙ Ordered new ballistic panels for several officers whose ballistic vests are out of date. ∙ Beginning the replacement process for out-of-date laptop computers including vehicle MDT units.

∙ Beginning the process of getting some vehicles in for maintenance and repairs in anticipation of additional officers and Chief needing a vehicle.

∙ Toured the Fire Department and had a productive introductory meeting with Chief Shoemaker. Community Development:

∙ March Permits:

o 10 Plumbing and Mechanical Permits.

o 5 ROW Excavation, Construction, or Obstruction Permits.

o 4 Building Permits with a total estimated improvement value of $8,511,940. o 1 Zoning Permit with a total estimated improvement value of $1000.

∙ No April Planning Board meeting due to lack of agenda items.

∙ No April Board of Adjustment meeting due to lack of agenda items.

∙ Attended the 2024 NPZA Conference.

∙ Nuisance Code Enforcement Officer Rod Sterkel started on Tuesday April 2nd. ∙ Working on code enforcement procedures, letters, maps and code reviews.

∙ Took delivery of the annual computer purchase.

∙ Major Building Projects

o The two Westco Agronomy buildings north of their new tire shop are putting in under grade plumbing now that most of the dirt work is finished.

o The apartment building south of Runza is waiting for electrical connections and working on interior finishes.

o Westco fertilizer bulk storage building is nearing completion. Staff is waiting on the call for the Certificate of Occupancy inspection.

o Bloedorn is removing the Kmart-era parking lot. It will be repaved to current code requirements.

o Sidewalk replacement along the Courthouse block.

o Eagles kitchen remodel.


∙ Well samples completed.

∙ Weekly chlorine residuals taken.

∙ Assisted plumber with service line repair and assessment.

∙ Rebuilt auto reel on vactor truck.

∙ Inspected sewer line on 9th St.

∙ Attended meeting with vendor on water radios.

∙ Completed 28 locates.

∙ Completed 12 utility office work orders.

∙ Read 103 radio meters.

∙ Shut off com system at sewer lake for electric department work.


∙ 313 tons of refuse this week.

∙ 162 customers.

∙ Basic maintenance on equipment and vehicles.

∙ Dirt cover and posi-shell application.

∙ Baler repairs.

∙ Dozer training.

∙ Began new area at C&D.


∙ 710 Riders this week.


∙ Completed 28 locates.

∙ Ongoing alley grading and rock work.

∙ Ongoing drain cleaning.

∙ Serviced tar machine.

∙ Cut concrete on 14th St.

∙ Cut concrete 3 locations on Countryside Ln.

∙ Assisted downtown business with handicap parking request.


∙ We continue to make progress on the three-phase line extension for the Schiff Feedlot expansion project.

∙ Removed the four old conductors and installed 4 new conductors on 1 mile of line on CR 55. ∙ Repaired/replaced several streetlights.


∙ Participated in Pre-Bid meeting for Seal Coat of Runway 12/30 & 8/26.

∙ Worked with Aeronautics Division on a large grant to do electrical and light replacement on the airfield.

∙ Cleaned out tumbleweeds from all areas of airfield fence.

∙ Worked on gopher mounds along taxiways.

∙ Participated in monthly ARFF training.

Knight Museum:

∙ The Sandhillers discussion group held their monthly meeting this week. They have very interesting topics of the sandhills area and its people.

∙ We hosted a City Department Head budget workshop.

∙ The staff is making preparations for the 2024 Nebraska Museum Association Conference next week in Grand Island. We are taking treat bags for 100 as we will be the host of this Conference in 2025.

∙ This has been another unusual week of requests for information spanning from the 2017 Eclipse to the history of cotton-seed cake that local ranchers use to supplement their cattle. Never a dull day here!

∙ The April Scrapbook group will meet this weekend, there is still room if anyone is interested. ∙ Bailey Johnson represented the Museum by attending the Great Plains Conference sponsored by UNL in Lincoln. The theme was the many issues facing the Great Plains area in the coming years and how they affect our museums.


∙ Removed snow brooms off the cemetery mower and took them to the cemetery. ∙ Opened the restrooms at Laing Lake, Central Park, and the 3rd and Box Butte mini park. ∙ Replaced water heater elements at Bower ballfield and Softball complex.

∙ Assembled plumbing fixtures at the Big Blue Bay locker rooms and restrooms.

∙ Placed rubber mats under bike racks in the parks and anchored them down.

∙ Prepared for and worked one funeral.

∙ Tested for Pesticide Applicators License.


∙ Congratulations to our “Luck of the Irish” winner, Katrina Ritchie! Thanks to all our patrons who entered this year, and we encourage everyone to watch our Facebook page for more upcoming contests and events. A special thanks to the Alliance Public Library Foundation for the great prizes!

∙ Adult Services Librarian Emily Nelson updated the Director’s Report for March and posted it to the website. She also updated the calendar on the website with April programming, updated the Facebook/Instagram pages, and made weekly bookmobile deliveries.

∙ Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn hosted Story Times featuring “Sweet Babies” and LEGO Club. She also organized the book mobile, performed backpack maintenance, updated the website and book displays, and performed inventory.

∙ Library Clerks Stephanie Hamilton and Pam Becker are always busy assisting patrons and maintaining records. They both are awesome help in getting the new items processed and ready for circulation!

Golf Course:

∙ Staff has started mowing and applying fertilizer as needed. The golf course has started to green up nicely.

∙ Memberships and other dues continue to be paid.

∙ Play has been great when the weather cooperates.


∙ Onboarding New Employees, including benefits assistance and providing required training. Welcome to the City of Alliance David Leavitt and Rodney Sterkel!

∙ Administering Pre-employment testing for Police Officer candidates.

∙ Ensuring pre-employment conditions are met for pending new hires.

∙ Preparing records for seasonal hires in Streets, Airport, and Parks.

∙ Completing summary for Annual Retirement Committee Review.

∙ Revising FTA and FMCSA Drug and Alcohol testing policy based on recommendations from the annual compliance audit.

∙ Assisting employees with requests.

∙ Accepting applications for Part-Time Meter Reader, Part Time Transit Driver, Police Officer, Sergeant, Temporary Airport Maintenance Laborer and all Seasonal Positions.


∙ City Council appointed Monte Jay Weisgerber as the new council member to fill the position vacated by Mara Andersen until December 2024.

∙ City Council recognized the work of Lieutenant Kirk Felker for his time as Interim Police Chief, Chief Troy Shoemaker for obtaining the Chief Fire Official designation and the fire department for achieving a Class 3 ISO rating.

∙ Met with a vendor on retirement plan management

∙ Attended a training on procurement in relation to our Safe Streets For All (SS4A) planning grant.

∙ Provided training on budget process and software.

∙ Work on FY24-25 Budget.