Reflections for the Week of April 3-7


• Administering Pre-employment applicant testing for open positions.

• Developing forms and workflows in the HRIS system for employee tracking and records management.

• Onboarding new Seasonal employees.

• Meeting with new hires to complete pre-employment testing requirements.

• Scheduling interviews for open positions.


• Repairs to alleys around town. Pot hole repair list ongoing.

• Hauled dirt for repairs to fire hydrant damage on 31st Terrace.

• Graded roads around town.

• Vehicle maintenance. Prepping summer equipment.

• Prepped for potential snow storm. Snow and Ice control.


• 588 riders.

• Transit was featured by Nebraska Public Transit. More information can be found at


• Water samples. Chlorine residuals. Airport wells samples.

• Assist in snow and ice control.

• Installed threshold for museum bay door.

• Disinfected well at Carhenge/started de-winterizing process.

• Jetted sewer line.

• Worked on Communication signals for wells from storm.

• Finished backfill and gravel on 31st Terrace fire hydrant.

• Worked on “A” station with contractors and engineers.

• 26 Work orders.

• 6 locates.


• 203.7 tons of refuse collected.

• 341 customers.

• Tire amnesty week 1 completed with over 200 tons of tires collected thus far. Two weeks, or 600 tons, whichever comes first, remains for tire amnesty.

• Burn box ran.

• Baler repairs. Vehicle/equipment maintenance. Expanded tipping platform on municipal solid waste.


• We operated one generator at Cody plant on Tuesday for monthly required run.

• Continue to make progress on Sarpy Road rebuild project.

• De-energized and lifted cabinet at Schiff feedlot as they changed grade of driveway.

• Finalized installation of two new services at Red Beard Garage.

• Performed line maintenance at several locations on rural system.

• Loaded and prepared equipment for new service installation at extended stay hotel.

Police Admin:

• Meetings: PAARI, CALEA, County Attorney, Gray Key, Fog Reveal, Polis Solutions, PCAN, Terrawe.

Police Communications/Intelligence:

• Coordinated 516 calls for service.

• Completed 5 report requests.

• 1 firearm permit issued.

Police Operations:

• 1 K9 deployments.

• 4 accidents.

• 0 DUI.

• 132 Building Checks.

• 17 Community Contacts/Business Checks.

• 8 Child Welfare Investigations.

• 10 Traffic Stops.

• 0 Vacation House Checks.

• 15 Active Investigations.

• 20 Cases Resolved.

• 134 SRO Dispositions to date.


• 31 Calls for service YTD.

• 6 Offers for service YTD.

• 18 Active Service YTD.

• 7 Medical Service Referrals YTD.

• 9 Financial Service Referrals YTD.

• 5 Employment Coaching YTD.

• 0 Graduates YTD.

• 0 Known relapses YTD.

Animal Control:

• 19 Animal Calls.

• 2 Dog Impounds. 0 dogs currently in the shelter.

• 0 Cat Impounds. 0 cats currently in the shelter.

Code Enforcement:

• 11 Code enforcement issues.

Notable Service:

• Satisfaction rating 91%.


• Participated in the zoom with WNCC Presidential Candidate Dr. George McNulty Tuesday.

• Wednesday participated in the Career Pathways via Zoom, listening to Craig Shroedar talk about Youth Retention and Workforce Development.

• Wednesday, held BBDC monthly board meeting.


• Replaced the check valves and cleaned screens on the irrigation system.

• Waiting for the ice to come off of the lake so that we can get irrigation system started.

• Continue to received payments for memberships and cart storage fees.


• Hosted three community meetings this week.

• Hosted an indoor Easter egg hunt in the gallery for 44 kids.

• Hosted the 2023 City of Alliance contractor meeting in the Gallery.


• Pulled tape and staples and touched up painted the shelter house.

• Repaired broken benches in the downtown district.

• Replaced the broken instrument panel on the tractor.

• Started removing extensive graffiti in the Bower ballfield bathrooms.

• Cleaned equipment and switched it from snow brooms to mowers.

• Cleaned the shelter house after the Easter egg hunt on Thursday.

• Prepared for two funerals next week.

• Snow removal.

• Work continues on replacement of the tennis courts on 16th Street. Construction will include post tensioned concrete, replacement of standards and fencing. New basketball goals will also be installed.

• Work continues on the HVAC replacement at the Alliance Learning Center.


• We are happy to announce that the winner of the “Luck of the Irish” contest was Julie Nepper! Julie received a $300 gift card to the Deadwood Mountain Grand courtesy of the Alliance Public Library Foundation!

• Another winner this week was Sabrina Burke, who won a $40 certificate to the Alliance Theater in our “Book to Movie” contest! Many thanks to the Red Nest family for their ongoing support of the library through awesome donations such as this!

• Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn shared prizes for the Dr. Seuss Reading and Coloring Contests with winners who were featured on Facebook. Throughout April, we will have our Search for Suzy Peekaboo Bunny. This week’s feature for Story Time was “Skipping into Spring” with an Easter Egg Hunt. LEGO Club had great attendance in spite of the weather. Cynthia is also finishing Spring displays, plus Facebook and website updates.

• Technical Services Librarian Emily Nelson compiled the circulation statistics for March and updated the Director’s Report for March. She updated programming information on the website and Facebook page, processed Interlibrary Loans, and made Book Mobile deliveries.

• Library Clerks Pam Becker and Kristianna Wilder were very busy this week. Kris updated the beautiful Spring displays for us and Pam did an excellent job in stepping up and running Thursday evening’s Jeff Barnes Program on the beginnings of Nebraska! Especially proud of these two this week!!


• Taxiway/Apron Rehabilitation Project is starting up again on Monday morning. Taxiway A will be done first, followed by Taxiway B, and the last phase will be the middle portion of the Apron.

• Met with Denver Air Connection regarding new two-year contract period, car rentals, schedule, and marketing.

• Airport was closed on Tuesday from 4:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. due to ice storm.

• Met with M.C. Schaff and NDOT to discuss future FAA projects.

• Met with KL Wood to discuss steel post installation in warehouses.

• Met with the police department to discuss annual emergency plan review/training.

• Participated in insurance claim meeting with finance department concerning the 2020 and 2021 hail storms.

• Staff attended supervisor training and monthly ARFF (Aircraft Rescue & Firefighting) training.

• Preliminary meetings regarding a possible prescribed burn with cooperation with Game & Parks and Fire Department.

Community Development:

• A contractor license renewal meeting was held at the Knight Museum. Contractors are reminded to come to City Hall to renew their local license as soon as possible and before the deadline.

• The Public Facilities chapter of the proposed comprehensive plan will be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission on April 11. Also to be discussed is proposed rezoning as part of the updated plan.


• Design work on the addition to City Hall continues. This design is intended to allow the city to reopen the gymnasium to public use and is being completed in conjunction with the CCCFF planning grant which the City has received from the State. This design will also open additional areas of the municipal building for ADA accessibility and include additional restrooms. The Planning and Zoning commission will be considering the rezone request for the City Hall building at their upcoming meeting on April 11, 2023.

City Council:

• Approved second and third readings of the PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) Financing ordinance.

• Approved second and third readings of the snow removal ordinance. With these changes, downtown businesses on Box Butte will be permitted to place snow into the street during the 12 hours following a storm event, whereas previously it was required to place it in the boulevard. The other significant change is moving the requirement for all property owners to remove snow within 48 hours of a storm event, an increase from the previous 24 hours.