Reflections for the Week of Aug. 1-5


• Main lobby air conditioner is up and running!

• Scheduled a pre-construction meeting on the taxiway and apron rehabilitation project. This will happen next week and we will be ready to go when FAA funding is provided. The hope is to complete at least one phase this fall, depending on weather.

• ARFF station generator is now operating as it should and no manual transfer required.

• Participated in the Nebraska Aviation System Plan Project advisory committee meeting. It was great to see how far they have come on developing this plan that will be the foundation from which policy and recommendations are made.

• July passenger enplanements were 402 which is only a decrease of 6 passengers from last year but still a very good number. Deplanements were 327 which was a decrease of 20 passengers.


• Making Perpetrations for the BBGH golf tournament

• Hosted an extremely successful Glow Ball event on Saturday night. This event attracts lots of new golfers each year

• Maintenance staff has been spending time repairing equipment as issues arise.


• Provided free lemonade for the public at the National Night Out event in Central Park

• Got several historic maps framed and displayed in the gallery

• Sorting old newspapers to better organize them for public review

• Met with a contractor regarding power washing the building to prep for paint


• Taped and painted court lines at the tennis courts.

• Upgraded and commissioned the lights at the tennis courts.

• Sprayed for weeds.

• Mowed, trimmed, and picked up Central Park for National Night Out.

• Cleaned the fountain and balanced the water to ensure efficient operation.

• Met with contractor to discuss tree removal and trimming.

• Seasonal staff are leaving to return to school.

• Replaced 10 broken irrigation heads on the fountain block that were kicked off.

• Worked on multiple irrigation zones at both Laing and Knight Park.

• Prepared for two funerals to be held this weekend.


• This week Emily Nelson and Nalani Stewart officially switched positions! Emily is now in the Technical Services role, while Nalani is now in Adult Services! These two have been busy crosstraining one another. We are looking forward to seeing all the new ideas they come up with for the betterment of the library!

• This week we created new book club kits for the two Tosca Lee books, The Line Between and A Single Light. Tosca Lee will be visiting the Alliance Public Library on October 13, so come up and get familiar with her books!

• The staff has been cataloging many new DVD arrivals that are now ready for checkout. We have also been busy shelf reading in all youth sections and updating Juvenile nonfiction.

• Cynthia Horn has finished Story Time themes, registration and working on craft samples.

• Fall programming for both youth and adults is looking great with some excellent presentations and author visits!

Public Works:

• 14,000 linear feet of sewer line jetted/cleaned

• Sewer camera around Plaza Mall on West 3rd St

• Repairs made to the roof on D Lift Station

• 277 Customers at the landfill

• 423.59 tons collected at the Landfill

• 645 Riders for Transit

• 12th & Toluca road repair

• Storm Sewers grate inlets cleaned

Police Admin:

• Received “Accredited” status from the State of Nebraska!

• Meeting with police magazine, PAARI Interview, Inclusive Communities Meeting, Central Square, Nebraska Police Chiefs Association Meeting, Best practices meeting with County Attorney’s Office.

Police Communications/Intelligence:

• Coordinated 535 calls for service

• Completed 8 report requests

• 1 firearms permit issued

Police Operations:

• 7 Child Welfare Investigations

• 0 DUI,

• 8 Traffic Stops

• 1 accidents

• 1 K9 deployments

• 85 Building Checks

• 27 Community Contacts/Business Checks

• 20 Vacation House Checks

• 10 Active Investigations

Animal Control:

• 31 Animal Calls

• 4 Dog Impounds. 1 dogs currently in the shelter.

• 0 Cat Impounds. 1 cats currently in the shelter.

Code Enforcement:

• 9 Code enforcement issues.

Notable Service:

• National Night Out

• Emerson and South Beat Meetings

• Alliance bystander app is complete

• Busy weekend with several extensive cases.