Reflections for the Week of Aug. 14-18


• Box Butte County Fair was a success.

• Attended the Heartland Expressway Annual Meeting in Gering Tuesday.

• Attended Heritage Days recap meeting Wednesday.

• Researching new membership software, working on budgets, etc.

• Attended the monthly HOME NE Webinar on Housing ‘Activity Breeds Activity…Housing Growth in Northeast Nebraska’ Thursday afternoon

Police Admin:

• Meetings: CALEA, Datalytics, Metis, Central Square, FirstNet, Vollee, Attorney General, County Attorney.

Police Communications/Intelligence:

• Coordinated 937 calls for service.

• Completed 2 report requests.

• 2 firearm permits issued.

• 15 Cases Resolved.

• 10 Active Investigations.

• 7 accidents.

• 0 DUI.

• 200 Building Checks.

• 23 Community Contacts/Business Checks.

• 3 Child Welfare Investigations.

• 7 Traffic Stops.

• 10 Vacation House Checks.


• 71 Calls for service YTD.

• 104 Offers for service YTD.

• 74 Now or Continued Direct Service YTD.

• 41 Medical Service Referrals YTD.

• 31 Financial Service Referrals YTD.

• 41 Employment Coaching YTD.

• 362 Services provided.

• 198 Individuals helped or reached.

• 2 Graduates YTD.

• 0 Known relapses YTD.

Animal Control:

• 32 Animal Calls.

• 4 Dog Impounds. 0 dogs currently in the shelter.

• 0 Cat Impounds. 0 cats currently in the shelter.

Code Enforcement:

• 23 Code enforcement issues.

Notable Service:

• Satisfaction rating 91.2%.

• Overall crime is down 24.9 YTD%.

• Special recognition to Lt. Kirk Felker for taking on multiple extra tasks, Sergeant Jim Grumbles for coordinating multiple vehicle maintenance issues and Sergeant Peterson for working the schedule.

• Special recognition for Dispatcher Hannah Gerth for exceptional efforts preparing for the FBI audit


• We finished forming and poured cement for a storage pad in pole yard.

• We started a single phase project on the west side of J-row Meadows, performed irrigation load control on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

• Worked with Great Plains Power and BNSF to accomplish crossing of tracks for hardware as part of East 3rd Street rebuild project.

• While performing line rebuild project on east 3rd Great Plains Power caused an unplanned power outage on Wednesday afternoon.

• Electric Superintendent attended the MEAN meeting in Kearney on Thursday.

• Started the installation of new controls for the tennis court lights at 16th and Box Butte.

• As part of monthly NECC safety meeting all personnel were re-certified in pole top rescue.


• Assisting employee with requests for FMLA, benefits and other compliance reports.

• Scheduling interviews with department heads and applicants for multiple positions and completing references for hiring recommendations.

• Coordinating pre-employment conditions for pending new hires.

• Communicating job openings and accepting job applications for the positions of: Street Foreman, Street Maintenance Worker, PT RSVP Clerk, PT Nutrition Delivery Driver, PT Transit Driver, Police Officer, and Seasonal Carhenge and Golf Pro Shop help.

Knight Museum:

• Guest Speaker Randy Kane will present, “Who Killed Crazy Horse?” on August 22nd, at 5:30 p.m. in the Theater. Randy is retired from the National Park Service where he spent 37 years as a history interpreter throughout the American West. Be watching for several more speakers to come, as well as another Barn Quilt Workshop in September!

• We have welcomed many out of town visitors.

• Senator Rickets will be in the Theater on August 21st at noon for a public forum.

• Several Class Reunions have had their celebrations at the museum over the summer.

• Kim Tschacher has joined the museum staff as a part time employee. Welcome Kim!


• Parks and ballfields have been fertilized.

• Staff has vacuumed the fountain.

• Changed over the aerator to knives for use at the Golf Course.

• Cleaned up trees at Laing Lake by trimming and removing wood vine.

• Continued with regular mowing and trimming and fixing irrigation problems.

• Most seasonal help have returned to school. We appreciate their help over the summer and wish them luck in their school year.


• Mowed Kansas Street Right of Way, weed eating in several locations

• Continued placement of millings on Kansas Street shoulder

• Completed 36 locates

• Finished concrete curb pour on 6th and Toluca

• Continued painting of lines

• Oversight of road rehab projects

• Installed new signs at high school

• Pot hole repair ongoing, Continued work on alleys

• Assisted electric department with concrete pour

• Ordered ice slice for stockpile in preparation for winter

• Ordered street signs for inventory


• 389 riders this week


• Completion of comprehensive inspections

• Transfer station permit review, changes submitted

• 248 customers this week

• 263 tons of refuse this week


• Bob Swedeen celebrated his 34th anniversary as an employee of the City! Thank you for all your hard work, Bob!

• Inspected 6 backflow devices

• Piled up milling from street rehab projects

• Fixed lights at golf course

• Jetted 11000 feet of sanitary sewer

• Completed 13 utility office work orders, 36 locates

• Completed 14 water samples

• Ran camera in sewer line at 621 Emerson for customer

• Weed eating around valves at sewer lake

• Replaced storm sewer concrete lids on 25th after vehicle damage

• Completed 4” sewer tap for new Westco tire center