Reflections for the Week of Aug. 16-20


* Through the department’s Hotel Partnership Program, Police officers assisted a family in getting a hotel room after being in an accident.

* The animal shelter was evacuated during the fire at the Landfill on August 17th. Animals were safely returned.


* Attended the virtual Nebraska Chamber of Commerce Executives meeting.

* Gave a community tour for Box Butte General Hospital.

* Attended the virtual Activate Alliance meeting.


* Sat in on Heartland Expressway Marketing meeting which included the launch of a new logo

* Attended Hemingford Chamber Meeting Tuesday

* Attended the Village of Hemingford Budget Workshop to request funding for the BBDC.

* The BBDC held a Strategic Planning workshop which addressed Housing, Marketing, Industry, Work Force, and funding mechanisms, which will all receive priority focus as we move forward.  Offices will be closed August 25-27 while we attend the NEDA Annual Conference in Sidney.


* Completed the single phase rebuild project on Sarpy Road and South 385.

* Started a three phase rebuild project on South Potash-South Grand alley.

* Replaced a broken pole in alley at 814 East 3rd.

* Performed irrigation load control as needed.

* Attended MEAN (Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska) conference in Kearney.

* We continue to replace/repair streetlights damaged during July’s hailstorm.


* Work continues on the 2020 hailstorm insurance claim with work on hanger repairs and warehouses beginning next week (weather permitting).

* Denver Air Connection will be implementing a flight schedule change on the mid-morning flight. The flight will now leave Denver at 11:45 am and depart from Alliance at 1:10 pm.

Public Works:

* A fire began at the Landfill’s brush pile on August 17, 2021. Work was completed to contain the fire, limiting its spread, however it continues to burn with high heat and ample fuel; we are allowing the fire to burn itself out.

* Concrete repairs on 14th and Duncan, 14th and Sweetwater, Flack and 7th, and at the Senior Center.

* Well valve and meter repair at 18th and Colorado.

* Well pipe break repair on Burnham.

* Big Horn Waterline Replacement continued with the installation of valves.

* Forms were constructed in preparation for the Lift Station “A” wet well concrete pour.

* Public Works building construction continues with the interior walls framed and the overhead doors installed. The concrete apron will be poured next week.

* Replaced the door at Lift Station “D”.

* Concrete construction on the mainline of Burlington Avenue is complete.

* It is now anticipated that the Nebraska DOT 3rd Street project pavement repair will begin next Monday.


* Assisting employed with Work Comp and FMLA requests as needed.

* Conducted Police Officer Testing for candidates. We are working to schedule Civil Service Interviews in September.

* We are hiring! Please contact Alliance Human Resources at 308-762-5400 for more information.

* Completed the City’s salary report and submitted it to the newspaper for publication.


* The mural on the South gallery wall looks great, and is almost done. This art will be an amazing addition to the space and will serve as the backdrop for displaying some new artifacts.

* The Museum is hosting a Crazy Louis Concert for the public in the park on Friday August 20th.


* Irrigation repairs continued this week. Irrigation improvements are scheduled to be completed next week to address areas that have coverage deficiencies.

* Pre-construction meetings were conducted for the Tennis Court rehabilitation and softball field upgrade projects.

* As a sad sign of the end of summer, staff began draining and winterizing the Big Blue Bay pool.

Golf Course:

* The Toro technician came to the course to assist with diagnosing irrigation issues. Problems were identified with several heads as well as some wiring.

* Seasonal Pro Shop staff left employment with the City to return to college.

* Play numbers continue to be high and participation in activities is good.

RSVP/Nutrition Site:

* Staff submitted the request for multi-year grant funding.

* Meals continued to be served and deliveries made to individuals who cannot or who choose not to come to the center. Contact the Senior Center at 308-762-1293 for additional information on how to receive meals.