Reflections for the Week of Aug. 19-23


∙ Met with Congressman Adrian Smith regarding potential federal funding for a repeater site to enhance public safety communications in Alliance and Box Butte County

∙ Ina Alert serviced several city cameras to get all cameras and License Plate Readers functioning

∙ Attended training for Mach Software which will enable dispatch and other officers to see the location of all officers on a map. This will greatly enhance the safety of our officers should they need help in an emergency and be unable to transmit their location by radio. This software will also allow officers to run licenses, tags, etc. from their vehicles without having to go through dispatch.

∙ Attended City Council meeting

∙ Worked on budget revisions

∙ Attended Department Head Meeting

∙ Assisted with the food drive at the Senior Center

∙ Attended a virtual meeting for our new mapping software for dispatch. The new system will be more reliable, more efficient and less costly than the previous system. This will help dispatchers to get calls dispatched as quickly as possible during emergencies where seconds make a difference.

∙ Met with HR to make final preparations for promotional testing


∙ Removed forms, backfilled and picked up barricades on Potash concrete repair. ∙ Picked up barricades from Bands on the Bricks

∙ Picked up electric motor from Scottsbluff

∙ Attended snow blower demo

∙ Completed locates

∙ Repaired culvert on 3rd and Mississippi

∙ Painted crosswalks

∙ Painted parking stalls around schools

∙ Hauled dirt for landfill

∙ Graded dirt streets


∙ Replaced well motor after repair in 25th and Toluca well

∙ Camera sewer line on 10th

∙ Hydro-excavated propane tank on Lift Station “C”

∙ Repaired and un-clogged injector on 25th and Toluca well

∙ 4 employees attended wastewater ongoing education in Bridgeport

∙ Completed locates

∙ 901 total radios installed to date

∙ Collected water samples

∙ Collected chlorine residuals

∙ Verified for citizens that all hydrants in homestead addition are in working order to dispel rumors.


∙ 672 riders this week


∙ Ran burn box

∙ Moved dirt for cover

∙ Laid cover on side slopes of MSW

∙ Conducted baler, trash truck and miscellaneous maintenance

∙ 269 customers this week

∙ 322 tons of refuse processed this week


∙ Taxiway/Apron Rehabilitation Project – staff spent a day and a half escorting contractors for another on-site inspection of markings. We anticipate receiving their corrective plan soon.

∙ Council approved a grant application to be submitted to the State early next week. This grant is for the installation of new runway lights on Runway 12/30 & 8/26.

∙ Seal coat Runway 12/30 & 8/26 – participated in the pre-construction meeting with construction anticipated to start on September 4th.

∙ Car Rentals are live! A press release will go out next week. Cars can be booked on More information coming soon.

∙ Dan Kinser was in Casper this week completing ARFF training to become certified! We look forward to having him back.

∙ VOR (navigational aid for pilots) repairs are close to being completed. Contractors will be working through the weekend and anticipate completing the project by Monday or Tuesday of next week. The VOR is owned by the FAA and this has been their project.

∙ Participated in monthly Prairie Dog Advisory Board meeting.

∙ Met with Troy Shoemaker regarding annual ARFF truck inspection. We appreciate his time!

City Clerk:

∙ Attended Heartland Expressway Annual Meeting

∙ Attended August 20th City Council Meeting

∙ Closed out the last of the 2021 Hailstorm Repairs!

∙ Reviewed claims with NEMA/FEMA and set final in-person inspection

∙ Budget Workshop with City Council on August 19th

∙ Participated in the Chamber’s Farmer/Rancher Fundraiser

∙ Bid Opening for Municipal Hall Janitorial Services

Human Resources:

∙ Assisted with the Nebraska SHRM meeting in Omaha as the WNHRMA president and collaborating with other HR professionals from across the state.

∙ Prepared materials for Civil Service Commission Meeting and promotional interviews with Review Boards.

∙ Working with departments and providers to schedule upcoming flu shots and immunizations.

∙ Contacting applicants to administer applicant testing; completing pre-employment testing for pending new hires.

∙ Reviewing applications and working with department heads for current vacancies.

∙ Seasonal exits are underway with 35 terminations submitted this week. HR will continue updating employee information for accuracy in personnel files and the HRIS as required by law.

∙ Completing onboarding for new employees and updating files.

∙ Processing qualifying employee benefit enrollment changes for next month.

∙ Working with department supervisors and employees for current FMLA and/or Work Comp information and helping employees with requests.

∙ Maintaining DOT required drug and alcohol testing records.

RSVP & Senior Center

∙ Handed out 150 sets of food on Wednesday

∙ RSVP had 20 volunteers in the community helping with community table and food delivery

∙ Bingo, Coffee and Treats, Movie Friday

∙ Working on coordination a juvenile volunteer program

∙ Individuals over the age of 55 who are interested in volunteering are encouraged to contact the Senior Center at 762-1293! We can always use new volunteers!


∙ Library organization continues to be the focus this week. Many thanks to the Alliance Parks Department who came up and did some much-needed work on our rose garden! This group is always helping the library out in some way, which we sincerely appreciate! Speaking of appreciation—Pat McCauley braved the lift and removed the dead bugs from our ceiling lights! Many thanks Pat for all you do as well. We are planning on having the library looking top notch through the upcoming fall and holiday seasons. The staff has been patiently waiting for the first leaves to fall to justify the fall decorations going up. Fall also means new title releases, so come find a great book to kick things off!

∙ Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn hosted LEGO Club, shared media information and made preparations for upcoming events. She also organized Book Mobile items, made contacts with schools for Book Mobile deliveries, did inventory, maintained backpacks and cataloged new items.

∙ Technical Services Librarian Emily Nelson processed Interlibrary loans for patrons and book clubs, made weekly Book Mobile deliveries, and updated our social media pages. She also assisted patrons on the computers and helped with fall fundraising and programming ideas.

∙ Adult Services Librarian Nalani Stewart cataloged new materials and planned and prepared for future Fall programs. She also hosted the Nebraska Author Book Signing, and the book club at Highland Park Care Center.

∙ Library Clerks Pam Becker and Stephanie Hamilton have been busy processing all the new released. Thanks Steph for helping conduct the process of inventory!


∙ Staff continued working on the artifact project. Staff started going through linens to count, photograph and assess each item.

∙ Assisted with several large family history research project this week. This included drop in researchers and phone call inquiries

∙ Visitor traffic seemed heavier than normal this week. We stamped LOTS of passports this week.

∙ Bailey continued working on the NE Cattleman cow. The cow required extensive repair and now that it is put back together she is starting the painting process to fully restore it.

Parks Division

∙ Continued working on trimming trees and getting vine growth removed when necessary. ∙ Mowing and picking up grass clippings as much as possible. With seasonal staff gone it is difficult to keep up with some of those more basic tasks.

∙ Continue spraying as weather conditions allowed

∙ Assisted with the beginning steps of draining the pool to get it ready for winter

∙ Picked up tree debris from all park areas after the extreme wind this week

∙ Assisted with food pick up for the food distribution at the senior center.

∙ Moved bleachers to the motorcross track for an event they are having this weekend

∙ Completed repairs on the irrigation in Knight Park


∙ Continue to frame and set poles along Country Club Road for three-phase rebuild ∙ Installed wildlife protection in several locations of electric system

∙ Replaced/repaired several streetlights

∙ Performed irrigation load control

∙ Repaired/replaced line equipment damaged from storm on Wednesday night Administration:

∙ Multiple discussions on airport projects

∙ Work on FY25 Budget, including a Council Workshop

∙ Attended City Council Meeting