Reflections for the Week of Aug. 21-25


• Helped organize Senator Ricketts Monday visit to Alliance at the Knight Museum. • Attended the Nebraska Economic Developers Association (NEDA) monthly board meeting via zoom.

• Continue to meet as a Core Team members for Career Connections of Western Nebraska – we actually attended the ESU 13 Superintendents meeting Wednesday to discuss our efforts. We want to survey all students, 6th-12th grade, from all 21 School Districts within ESU13 plus Hyannis and South Platte, on future plans and career interests. After the survey is complete, then we will hold Career Cabs (Business/Industry Tours) in the 3 regions of the panhandle later this fall. Next spring, then we hope to roll out Internship programs for youth in business. We are seeking sponsorships/donations to go towards our efforts. We have already been successful in gaining support from ESU13 – Perkins funding, Snow Redfern Foundation, and a couple more but we are short around $15K. If you are interested in learning more, please reach out. Even if it is writing a letter of support for us to apply for more grants.

• Thursday I attended the Western Nebraska Development Network (WNDN) quarterly meeting in Bayard where we held our roundtable and lunch at the Vault in downtown Bayard, as well as toured their Grocery Store, Bobbi Jo’s Branding Iron Steakhouse, and BE Farms (better known for their Pumpkin Patch). Great networking – learned of a new grant opportunity rolling out for businesses less than 5 years old with less than 5 employees. If this is you, lets chat.

• Touring a housing development in Scottsbluff to see options available for possible development opportunities in Alliance.

Police Admin:

• Meetings: CALEA, Datalytics, Metis, Central Square, NSP, WING, FirstNet, Vollee, Attorney General, FBI, ODMAP.

Police Communications/Intelligence:

• Coordinated 1069 calls for service.

• Completed 4 report requests.

• 3 firearm permits issued.

• 20 Cases Resolved.

• 16 Active Investigations.

• 3 accidents.

• 0 DUI.

• 311 Building Checks.

• 28 Community Contacts/Business Checks.

• 6 Child Welfare Investigations.

• 11 Traffic Stops.

• 0 Vacation House Checks.


• 71 Calls for service YTD.

• 104 Offers for service YTD.

• 74 Now or Continued Direct Service YTD.

• 41 Medical Service Referrals YTD.

• 31 Financial Service Referrals YTD.

• 41 Employment Coaching YTD.

• 362 Services provided.

• 198 Individuals helped or reached.

• 2 Graduates YTD.

• 0 Known relapses YTD.

Animal Control:

• 27 Animal Calls.

• 1 Dog Impound. 0 dogs currently in the shelter.

• 1 Cat Impounds. 1 cat currently in the shelter.

Code Enforcement:

• 21 Code enforcement issues.

Notable Service:

• Satisfaction rating 91.1%.

• Overall crime is down 26.6% YTD.

• Special recognition to Dispatcher Hannah Gerth for completing the FBI audit and having no major corrections or violations!!!!

• Special recognition to Jess Kaye for progress on multiple projects with heavy additional tasks! • We are happy to have Dr. Dunn safely back from Hawaii to continue with PAARI.


• Poured concrete for yard storage area.

• We have been performing irrigation well load control all week.

• On Wednesday we operated Cody generation plant per MEAN request to help with grid shortage issues.

• Continue to make progress on Meadows line rebuild.

• Started installation of new controls for 16th street tennis courts.

• Upgraded one irrigation well bank and performed maintenance on several other banks.

• Installed new transformer and hardware for new grain bin on CR 57.

• Repaired/replaced several streetlights.

• Worked with Great Plains Power on installation of new wire over railroad tracks and east Hwy 2. Community Development:

• No August Board of Adjustment Meeting.

• Planning Commission tabled the annexation of 2101 Box Butte Avenue but recommended approval of the 2023-2024 CIP.


• Taxiway/Apron Rehabilitation Project – Middle portion of the apron has had asphalt completed. Waiting on rain to see if it is good from holding water. Painting is still in process. • Tyler along with Jacob from fire department attended ARFF 40-hour class to get certified for firefighting duties.

• Mowing and weed control continues on airfield. Extra work being done around Runway 17/35 in preparation for painting and possible crack seal.

• Inventory of all shop tools and small equipment completed.

• Mowed entire perimeter fence and drainage ditches of airfield.

• Final update of certification manual and security plan submitted for approval. • Participated in conference call for seal coat of Runways. Engineering agreement to come soon. • Working on sign order for along the airport road.


• Chief Shoemaker participated in the Governor’s First Responder Summit at the invitation of the State Fire Marshal.

• Emergency Vehicle Operator’s course started this week with the classroom portion. Next week is the driving course.


• Assisted Electric Department with concrete work.

• Street sweeping ongoing. Pot hole repair ongoing. Grade work on alleys ongoing. • 20 locates completed.


• 519 riders this week.


• 284 tons of refuse this week.

• 225 customers this week.

• Conducted bobcat and baler repairs.

• Wasteworks software upgrade complete.

• Began new bale tier on MSW.

• Capped C&D and began new level.


• Serviced chlorine analyzer.

• Changed VLT fuse at Elkhorn well.

• Changed 2 pivot tires at sewer lake pivot.

• Shut off water main for plumber on 2nd and Grand.

• Continue to work on well # 7 meter.

• Hydro excavated pole sites for line crew.

• Ross, Jason, Bob attended continuing education class in Bridgeport.

• Installed new flow meter at chlorine plant.

• Fixed broken chlorine injectors at 18th and Colorado well.

• Completed 20 locates. Completed 15 utility office locates.

• Completed weekly water samples and chlorine residuals.


• Conducted monthly WNHRA meeting in Scottsbluff with Panhandle HR leaders. • Scheduling interviews with department heads and applicants for multiple positions and conducting references for the same.

• Coordinating pre-employment conditions for multiple pending new hires.

• Working on additional modules in the Paylocity HRIS for Employee Benefits Management and New Employee Onboarding.

• Assisting employee and insurance carrier with requests for FMLA, Work Comp, benefits and other compliance reporting.

• Communicating job openings and accepting job applications for the positions of: PT RSVP Clerk, PT Nutrition Delivery Driver, PT Transit Driver, and Police Officer.


• Hosted the Alliance Police Dept. training.

• Hosted a Game & Parks workshop.

• Hosted Senator Ricketts special Town Hall meeting.

• Hosted Randy Kane for his historical presentation about the killing of Crazy Horse to a very appreciative crowd.

• The Museum Advisory Board met for their monthly meeting. The Museum Partners met for their quarterly meeting.

• Worked on a schedule for upcoming programs with our new coordinator Cheri Hopkins. The Museum will be hosting programs every other Tuesday through October 17th and then will start again after the holidays. Our Next program will be a continuation of Randy’s Native American program.

• The Museum has a new river otter, red fox & bass that joined our growing animal collection. We are still on the look-out for a coyote, jack rabbit or full mount deer if anyone is cleaning out their critter collection.


• Installed the new parking signs at Carhenge.

• Mowed, trimmed and picked up trash to clean up the lot at 640 Belmont.