Reflections for the Week of Aug. 23-27


• Seized over 200 grams of Methamphetamines.

• Held Police Citizen Advisory Board Meeting and received several recommendations.

• Held multiple radio console coordination meetings as part of the new dispatch console.

• A neighborhood meeting for Beat 7 (Emerson) was conducted.

• Handled 1,700 calls for service so far this month.


• The Chamber Ambassadors presented Alliance Animal Clinic with the Spotlight Banner and visited Sky View Golf Course.

• Held a ribbon cutting at Pigaro’s.


• Participated in Webinar on Preventing Thermal Runaway in Data Centers and Energy Storage Systems.

• Chief chaired the Central Panhandle Mutual Aid Association Meeting held in Dalton.

Public Works:

• NDOR 3rd street overlay project began with concrete panel replacements.

• Chlorine injector repairs completed at west well field.

• Dirt cover hauling underway at landfill MSW site.

• Regulatory signs undergoing scheduled upgrade to meet retro-reflectivity requirements.

• Burlington Ave pavement project final punch list completed.

• Big Horn Ave water project final punch list completed.

• Lift Station A wet well walls poured.

• Water system risk and resiliency assessment underway.

• Public Works building expansion work continues with part of the concrete apron poured and the installation of the sprinkler system.


• Staff continued with mowing and trimming all areas at least once, sometimes twice each week.

• Finished spraying for weeds at Central Park, Laing Lake, Jaycee Mini Park, and BN Ballfields.

• In response to significant issues with some sections of irrigation in Central Park, a contractor is installing additional zones and adequate size supply lines to better irrigate dry areas. The lack of rain for long expanses of time this summer made those shortcomings more apparent. In the long term this will greatly improve the health of the turf in those areas.


• Staff has been hosting multiple groups tours of the facility.

• Seasonal staff has returned to school, but plan to come back over Labor Day weekend to finish the mural.


• Finishes up the AR level labeling program, which will help students find books at their level.

• Developed a Fall display that will be used as a fund raiser for children programming.

• Staff is cleaning out the book store to make room for all new inventory. Made space for library related merchandise in addition to books.

• Coding club is starting soon!

• Adult services are developing Fall programming to include author visits and craft activities.

RSVP & Nutrition Site:

• Demand for meals at the center as well as delivery continues to be high.


• Pool is drained and winterization underway. The basin will be touched up and painted as several areas are faded and need to be refreshed. Replacement parts are being ordered for the pump house to ensure operation is ready to go next spring.


• Play continues to be strong, and financials are looking good again for the 2021 season.


• Submitted grant application in hopes of obtaining funding for the trail extension.