Reflections for the Week of Aug. 26-30


∙ Conducted Police Review Board interviews for sergeant and lieutenant

∙ Attended Civil Service Commission Meeting

∙ Attended Region 23 Hazzard Mitigation Planning Meeting in Chadron with Chief Shoemaker

∙ Attended fire drill at Emerson Elementary

∙ Attended ribbon cutting at Nebulous Vapors and discussed keeping these products out of the hands of minors with the owners

∙ Attended planning meeting for Alliance Career Cabs Day

Utility Billing Services:

∙ Cycle 4 Bills mailed

∙ Cycle 2 Reminder notices mailed

∙ Eight new residential accounts opened

Accounting and Finance:

∙ Attended Employee Activity Committee Meeting

∙ Prepared Council Claims

∙ Completed Charge-offs for Council

∙ Completed LB840 summary for Fiscal Year

∙ Budget review

Human Resources:

∙ Hosted the Police Review Board to conduct interviews for Police Lieutenant and Police Sergeant positions. The Board included Chief Leavitt along with Lt. Gabe Walz with the Chadron Police Department and Deputy Ryan Danner with the Box Butte Sheriff’s Office.

∙ Conducted a Civil Service Commission meeting to interview Lieutenant and Sergeant candidates. The Commission placed Sergeant Tim Peterson on the Lieutenant eligibility list and Officer Josh Norris on the Sergeant list. The Commission also made updates to the hiring process and incorporated re-examination language to the Civil Service Handbook. Thank you to Susan Cummings, Rocky Bell, and Trish Johnston for their diligent efforts and service on this important Board!

∙ Distributed updates to Civil Service covered personnel.

∙ COA Employee Flu Shots are scheduled on September 24 to be administered by Tim Kotschwar, with Alliance Community Pharmacy.

∙ Finalized agreement with BBGH and The Rehab and Wellness Center to conduct Pre Employment Physicals after the closing of Rock Valley PT.

∙ Completed training with AmeriCorps on updates to the hiring process. HR’s compliance in this area ensures grant eligibility continues for certain positions at the Senior Center.

∙ The HR Department is working with key personnel to finalize a policy concerning expenditures of public funds for certain purposes, including employee recognition dinner and items of value to be presented in an upcoming City Council meeting.

∙ Accepting applications, administering applicant testing, completing pre employment/post-offer conditions for pending new hires, and completing onboarding for new employees.

∙ Seasonal exits continue with 64 exits made in June/July. Currently, 20 seasonal employees continue to operate at the Golf Course, Carhenge, and in the Parks Department.

∙ Working with department heads, supervisors, and employees for current FMLA and/or Work Comp processing and related employee requests.

∙ Maintaining DOT-required drug and alcohol testing requirements.


∙ Continue to make progress on three-phase line rebuild along Country Club Road

∙ Two employees attended Rubber Gloving School in Sidney and one of our Journeyman lineman performed instructor duties during that class

∙ Hosted High School JAG class with presentation on City Electric Department

∙ Connected new service for garage build on Niobrara

∙ Replaced two poles determined to be high priority in need of replacement by our contracted pole inspector

∙ Repaired/replaced several streetlights


∙ Jetted 5300 feet of sewer line this week

∙ Located water and sewer line for county road department

∙ Repaired water line at hydrant at county road shop

∙ Fixed chlorine leaks at 35, Burnham and Elkhorn wells

∙ Repaired foot pedal pump at 25th and Toluca well

∙ Collected well samples and chlorine residuals

∙ Installed roof fan at 25th and Toluca well

∙ Re-painted roof hatches at 25th and well #5

∙ Shut off water for plumbers in Trailerville

∙ Un-clogged RV dump station

∙ Installed temporary propane tank at lift station C for APU installation ∙ Drained sump pump and fixed air compressor at lift station D

∙ Completed 21 locates

∙ Completed 21 work orders

∙ Made appointments for radio installs on large balance of homes in Meadows MHP Landfill:

∙ Had state NDEE inspections of transfer station, C&D, And MSW areas. No deficiencies were noted in any area!

∙ Placed new trash truck in service

∙ 191 Customers this week

∙ 249 tons of refuse this week

∙ Ongoing baler maintenance

∙ Ran burn box

∙ Ongoing dozer and loader maintenance

∙ Laid dirt cover


∙ Replaced vandalized stop sign in downtown area

∙ Ongoing painting of yellow lines and handicap parking spaces

∙ Replaced fuel tank strap on unit #919

∙ Ongoing work on weed removal from street ROW

∙ Pick up tree branches

∙ Completed 21 locates

∙ Replaced all brooms on street sweeper

∙ Replaced drive shaft on mower

∙ Repaired shoulder on 25th street

∙ Removed trees from drainage ditch by landfill

∙ Placed barricades for Bands on the Bricks


∙ 724 riders this week


∙ Taxiway/Apron Rehabilitation Project – waiting on approval from engineers and then final inspection will take place next week.

∙ Submitted state grant for the Runway 12/30 & Runway 8/26 light replacement and electrical project. This grant will be reviewed by the State in October.

∙ Seal coat Runway 12/30 & 8/26 – project is scheduled to start next Wednesday with training for contractors at 7:30 a.m.

∙ Dan Kinser successfully completed ARFF training and is now

certified. Congratulations to Dan!

∙ TSA-required water testing at the terminal was completed and received a clean report.

∙ Met with WNCC regarding possible CDL training site.

∙ Maintenance staff sprayed chevrons and Runway 12/30 edges in preparation for next week’s project start.

∙ Mowing and construction inspections were the focus this week. Mowed taxiways, Runway 12/30, ILS glideslope area, and localizer.

∙ Filled holes in safety area of Runway 12/30.

∙ Participated in multiple phone calls in regards to upcoming airline bids. Fire and Ambulance:

∙ Attended the kick-off meeting for Region 23 Emergency Management’s Hazard Mitigation Plan Update in Chadron with the Chief of Police.

∙ Weekly department training held Wednesday was on municipal water supply.

∙ Delivered five fire department and one airport breathing air cylinders to Norco in Casper Wyoming for required hydrostatic testing.

∙ Wrapping up the bathroom remodel project. This work has been completed by our own employees at a substantial cost savings over contracting out the work.

∙ Held three classes for “Job for Americans Graduates” where they visited the fire station and met with staff on Tuesday and Wednesday.


∙ We will be closed this upcoming Monday for Labor Day.

∙ We have been enjoying having many college students here in the library to study. We have also seen an increase in parents coming in to get their students library cards for the new school year, which is amazing! We are returning to our regular hours beginning next week. Those hours are Monday through Thursday 8AM-6PM, Fridays 8AM-5PM, and Saturdays 10AM-2PM.

∙ Technical Services Librarian Emily Nelson updated the website and social media pages with upcoming information for September. She processed the Interlibrary loans and book club kits for patrons and book clubs and made the weekly Bookmobile deliveries, which have increased with school starting. She also assisted patrons on the computers and worked on Fall fundraising projects.

∙ Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn did KCOW announcements, updated displays, did an outreach visit to Immanuel Lutheran School, made posters, and made preparations for upcoming events. She also organized the book mobile, made contacts with schools, maintained backpacks, performed inventory, and cataloged new items.

∙ Library Clerks Pam Becker and Stephanie Hamilton have been busy helping prepare for fall events and performing inventory scanning on the adult collection.

Golf Course:

∙ Staff is preparing the course for the Panhandle Open to be held Sunday and Monday. Staff is pleased with the registration numbers as this is a tournament Skyview hasn’t hosted in many years.

∙ Maintenance Staff took equipment to Scottsbluff for repairs

∙ Collected equipment quotes in anticipation of the new budget year.

∙ Work on end of year purchases on supplies and fertilizer


∙ Staff continued working on the major collection project. The extensive textile collection is being sorted, mended, archived, and repacked to ensure everything can be easily found for exhibit development. As a result of this project staff will have lots of new “mini exhibits” for the theater exhibit space!

∙ Tourist traffic continued to be steady. There are still many travelers coming in who are participating in the passport program sponsored by the State of Nebraska.

RSVP & Senior Center:

∙ RSVP had 12 volunteers in the community assisting with activities and service programs

∙ Continued to provide dine-in and carryout meals for area seniors

∙ Traveled to observe operations the Chadron community food pantry to see if something similar could be implemented in Alliance. We are working in cooperation with Northwest Community Action on this project.

∙ Hosted Bingo, several card parties, a movie event and coffee and treats at the Senior Center.


∙ Rewired irrigation at BN minipark to improve irrigation operation.

∙ All regular mowing completed.

∙ Continued working on completion of the city-wide tree inventory with Nebraska Forest Service. This process includes digitally recording every tree location, variety and size on a map of public spaces in Alliance.

∙ Removed equipment at the swimming pool for off-season.

∙ Sprayed cracks at the swimming pool, 10th St overpass, and sections of downtown for weeds.

∙ Trimmed bushes and pulled weeds at 3rd St underpass.

∙ Completed irrigation repairs at the Softball complex.

∙ Removed fallen trees and branches in the creek on the fountain block.


∙ Work on FY25 Budget

∙ Met with various department heads

∙ Met with various Council members

∙ Met with vendor on website ADA compliance

∙ Met with Greg Dart, President and Misty Curtis, Campus Coordinator with WNCC to discuss college-city relationships and upcoming opportunities.