Reflections for the Week of Aug 28-Sept. 1

Police Admin:

• Meetings: CALEA, Tina Rowe, Metis, Central Square, Vollee, AINA, Polis. Police Communications/Intelligence:

• Coordinated 1,084 calls for service.

• Completed 11 report requests.

• 0 firearm permits issued.

• 20 Cases Resolved.

• 15 Active Investigations.

• 4 accidents.

• 0 DUI.

• 266 Building Checks.

• 24 Community Contacts/Business Checks.

• 10 Child Welfare Investigations.

• 3 Traffic Stops.

• 0 Vacation House Checks.


• 71 Calls for service YTD.

• 104 Offers for service YTD.

• 74 Now or Continued Direct Service YTD.

• 41 Medical Service Referrals YTD.

• 31 Financial Service Referrals YTD.

• 41 Employment Coaching YTD.

• 362 Services provided.

• 198 Individuals helped or reached.

• 2 Graduates YTD.

• 0 Known relapses YTD.

Animal Control:

• 25 Animal Calls.

• 3 Dog Impounds. 1 dog currently in the shelter.

• 1 Cat Impounds. 1 cat currently in the shelter.

Code Enforcement:

• 25 Code enforcement issues.

Notable Service:

• Satisfaction rating 90.9%.

• Overall crime is down 26.2 YTD%.

• Special recognition to Tim Peterson for making schedule adjustments ensuring optimal coverage. SRO Officer Sherlock for all of the efforts coordinating movie night which was a tremendous success.


• ROW mowing ongoing.

• Replaced several street signs.

• Ongoing painting of crosswalks.

• Ongoing pothole repair.

• Greasing of heavy equipment.


• 553 riders this week.


• 209 customers this week.

• 301 tons of refuse this week.

• Moved bales to MSW.

• Laid dirt cover.

• Replaced proximity sensor on baler.

• Replaced power supply in baler.

• Cleaned basement.

• Conducted loader repairs.

• Ongoing general maintenance.


• Changed meter board at well #7.

• Hydro excavated for line crew to set pole.

• Turned on water to old mechanic shop for use the new building maintenance shop.

• Installed new foot switch on transfer pump at Elkhorn well.

• Ran APU for Elkhorn to assist electric utility.

• Rebuilt ¾” hydrant meter.

• Mowed 18th and Colorado well, 25th, “A” station, and animal shelter.

• Completed 28 locates.

• Completed water samples and chlorine residuals.

• Jetted 9500 feet of sanitary sewer.

• Assisted street department with painting.


• We continue to make progress on the line build on the “J” row of Meadows.

• Finished the installation and aiming of the new lights on the tennis court at 16th and Box Butte. Lighting is available until 10:00 pm.

• Quinton, Tucker and Fidel attended the ‘Hotline” school in Sidney for three days this week.

• Two personnel attended the “8 to Great” seminars.

• Assisted Great Plains Power with planning and parts acquisition on east rebuild project.

• Kirby attended the WNCC Line School advisory committee meeting.

• Performed irrigation load control.

• Repaired 5 irrigation well transformer bank issues.

• Started excavation for yard cement storage pad.


• Completed Emergency Vehicle Operator’s Course Wednesday evening with the test-out driving course.


• Attended meeting at Chamber to help with planning Leadership Box Butte – Class 20.

• Met with WNCC President Greg Dart Wednesday and gave he and Paula Abbott a Community Tour.

• Thursday Career Connections met with UNK Students to perform a Communication Audit of our new organization.

• Friday meeting with First Five Nebraska to discuss “Maternal Care Deserts”.

• Friday attending the Alliance Construction Trades meeting with local contractors at WNCC.

• Working on Rural Workforce Housing applications, Creative District research, C4K research, and trying to help local employers with Job postings.

• BBDC Office Closed Monday, September 4th for Labor Day.


• Drained the pool and started the winterization process.

• Cut extensive wood bind vine growth from evergreen tree groves in several areas to reduce tree damage.

• Mowed, trimmed and picked up clippings in several areas as necessary.

• Worked on irrigation systems and removed broken irrigation heads as necessary. • Replaced the pump in the fountain filter system.

• Working on the final two shelters at the softball complex.


• 8 to Great training was held this week with two of the library staff in attendance. The new President of WNCC, Greg Dart, made a visit to the library this week. The library staff is looking forward to implementing some great programming with WNCC in the very near future!

• Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn has been busy adding schools to the bookmobile route, media updates for the Autumn on the Bricks coloring contest, the upcoming Patriot Day celebrations with Mrs. Behrends. Cynthia also participated in 8 to Great training and did shelf reading in the YA section.

• Technical Services Librarian Emily Nelson ordered interlibrary loan books for our library book club as well as two private book clubs. She also assisted with some fall fundraising craft projects, helped patrons with computer questions, and updated our website. School is back in session, so she started making Bookmobile deliveries to the preschools, SAA, and IELS this week.

• Library Clerks Pam Becker and Kris Wilder have been busy processing new accounts and maintaining patron records and are making plans for fall decoration of the library! Senior Center & RSVP:

• Continued to provide meals for dine in and delivery for area seniors.

• Attended 8 to Great staff training.

• Started making plans for fall events at the Senior Center.


• Hosted the Class of 1973 for a gathering during their class reunion.

• Received and processed three large donations to the Museum this week.

• Hosted a tour for visiting church group on Friday evening.

• Sorted through gift shop inventory.

• Winter hours start the week after Labor Day.

• Made preparations & sent information for the program to be hosted on Tuesday September 5th at 5:30.