Attended Webinar on Skill-Building
Held Department staff meeting
Reviewed Public Transit grant application
Reviewed IT quotes and budget
Utility Billing Services:
Cycle 4 bills mailed
Cycle 2 Reminder notices mailed
Three new residential customers
Interviewed for Police Secretary
Attended APS Leadership Meeting
Met with BBSO leadership regarding Alliance Communications moving forward with dispatching BBSO.
Captain Felker and Chief Leavitt attended the NSP fallen trooper funeral service in Omaha.
Chief attended the Municipal Fire Chiefs meeting in Lincoln.
SCBA Mask fit testing with MacQueen conducted all day Wednesday.
Weekly department training conducted on the MSA G1 SCBA.
Held career staff meeting.
Chief attended the Central Panhandle Mutual Aid Association meeting in Oshkosh.
Staff was able to trouble shoot issues with the heating system in the east apparatus bay and order repair parts.
Continue the installation of load control/disconnect boxes
Hauled and framed poles on three-phase rebuild project north of Nance Road and also east on Nance Road east of Highway 87
Installed new overhead service to residence on east 8th street
Repaired/replaced street/security lights as needed
Performed maintenance on irrigation well being used to water cattle Replaced “jumper” wire on transformer broken from high winds on Wednesday Water/Sewer:
Completed 28 locates, 28 utility office work orders
Completed 2 water disconnects
Installed 61 meter radios (2016 total installed)
Collected regular, repeat and well samples
Primed and painted Burnham well, 18th and Colorado well, 25th and Toluca well, and Airport well 2 pump bases
Read cycle 4 radios for utility office
Camera sewer line at 416 E 6th
Camera storm sewer at 2nd and Big Horn Ave.
Assisted contractor finding leaking service line.
Replaced wear bar on backhoe
Exercised APU’s
Cleaned tools and equipment on Vactor.
Hauled multiple loads of dirt for parks department to construct road
Replaced stop sign at 16th and Platte
Placed signs for Police only parking at annex building
Cleaned out box of unit #904 replaced stop sign at 25th and Emerson Measured 3 sidewalks
Completed 28 locates
Checked alleys and made list of clutter for code enforcement
Picked up tree branches from wind
Assembled fencing units for MSW
184 tons of refuse this week
148 customers this week
Moved dirt cover
Ran burn box
Replaced 12 dumpsters
Ongoing baler repairs
Reviewed baler bid award and notice to proceed
Completed data request for rate study
Passenger enplanements for 2024: 4,157. Deplaned passengers for 2024: 3,885, which is a small decrease from 2023. January enplanements were 308 and deplanements were 301.
Participated in conference call regarding the upcoming electrical project with the FAA. Bid documents are being prepared and waiting for final approval from FAA. Required training preparation for wildlife, movement, and emergency plan continues. Participated in a zoom education training in regards to Title VI plan specific to our airport.
Participated in monthly prairie dog advisory board meeting.
Staff met with Whisper to tour airport facilities for implementation of MSDS electronic program.
Staff is working on getting quotes for FBO office window replacements. Runway and Taxiway special inspections were completed.
Staff answered questions from bidder on snowplow assembly.
Replaced hoses on Loader. Cleaned Loader.
Performed post snow storm maintenance on equipment
Called all building tenants to inform them on insurance inspection.
The Alliance Public Library will be undergoing the re-accreditation process this summer. Preparations are already underway with our participation in a webinar and early-stage planning. This process will formally begin in July. While the process is a long one, it is extremely worthwhile in terms of identifying the library’s strengths and weaknesses along with setting goals for our future growth. It also allows us to celebrate our past successes as well, and can be a very inspiring and motivational tool for the staff and library board.
Technical Services Librarian Emily Nelson updated the calendar of events page on the website with upcoming March programming. She also updated the Book Worm page and social media sites, assisted patrons, and made weekly Book Mobile deliveries.
Adult Services Librarian Nalani Stewart cataloged new materials and hosted the APL Book Club, the book club at Highland Park Care Center and the Book -to-Movie club. She also prepared for upcoming programs and completed Nebraska Library Commission Continuing Education hours.
Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn’s Story Time A to Z featured “Splendid S” with a smiley, sparkly shark craft. Cynthia also shared announcements on KCOW Radio, organized Book Mobile items, maintained backpacks and cataloged new items. Her additional projects include preparing for upcoming Marvelous March events plus updating the website and book displays.
Library Clerks Pam Becker and Stephanie Hamilton have been busy assisting with fundraising projects and processing new materials.
Several meetings at the museum this week including Box Butte County Extension, an ag service and Farm Bureau.
All Museum Staff is continuing to do projects in preparation for the April’s Museum Conference.
New items continue to arrive at the Newberry Gift Shop.
We have a 60’s display in the theater now! Come check out the retro items. We continue to help the public with genealogy and research requests. Parks:
Worked on removing weeds at Bower parking lot and the alley.
Welded on the snow brooms.
Worked on the broken discharge pipe at the Laing Lake well.
Watched videos and studied for the Swimming Pool Operator’s License. Tested for the Pesticide Applicator’s License in Scottsbluff.
Repaired the fence at Sudman Field.
Golf Course:
Lots of play with weather being nice; Rounds for this week are right at 60 Memberships sales starting
Golf course made it through the winter in good shape
Merchandise is starting to come in for the season
Finishing up tournament schedule
We had 15 volunteers work in the community
We had our first YVA (Youth Volunteer Alliance) Orientation
Also played Bingo, had coffee and treats, and a movie
828 Riders
Met with multiple department heads and council members
Met with drivers from Public Transit.
Work on transit program grant application and monthly reporting. Met with vendor regarding consolidation of contracts for various software services Participated in NDOT training on drugs and alcohol for Transit
Conducted interview for Public Transit Director
Met with attorney in preparation for union negotiations.
Council Meeting Preparation
Consolidation of vehicle records and review of insurance master list Work on Bower Park restroom project