Reflections for the Week of Jan. 1-5


∙ Wednesday, participated in the Quarterly Career Connections of Western Nebraska Zoom meeting to discuss our successes in 2023 and planning for 2024.

∙ Wednesday was BBDC monthly board meeting.

∙ Thursday met with our Community 4 Kids lead to review draft Data Snapshot from our Community Survey done last October and Announced our 10 $50 Gift Certificate Winners from the survey via Facebook.

∙ Friday provide a Community Tour on behalf of Box Butte General Hospital. ∙ Friday NEDA Legislative Call.

Accounting and Finance:

∙ Attended Council meeting Tuesday.

∙ Paid Council approved claims.

∙ Audit team on site Wednesday and Thursday. Onsite portion of Annual Audit complete with minimal findings!

Utility Billing Office:

∙ 9 new resident accounts last week.

∙ 13 new resident accounts this week.

∙ One new business account.

∙ Cycle 4 Bills sent last week.

∙ Cycle 2 bills due last week.

∙ Cycle 3 bills due this week.


∙ Picked up Christmas trees.

∙ Cleaned slice out of trucks.

∙ Replaced hoses on plow.

∙ Locates.

∙ Replaced 1 hit sign and fixed 1 sign.


∙ 630 riders.

∙ 29,232 riders for 2023.


∙ Water samples and repeat samples.

∙ Chlorine residuals.

∙ Fixed chlorine leak and chlorine pump at Chlorine Plant.

∙ Brought bypass pump back to the shop from A station.

∙ Fixed frozen fire hydrant at 3rd and Ramblin.

∙ Fixed chlorine leak at Elkhorn well.

∙ Installed grinder plate in pump 4 at Lift station A, all pumps now have grinder plates installed. ∙ Tore apart fire hydrant that was hit at Kelly Bean.

∙ 12 utility office work orders.

∙ 20 locates.

∙ Had fire extinguishers inspected in buildings, wells, and lift stations.

∙ Routine maintenance to vehicles.


∙ 91 customers.

∙ 161.54 tons.

∙ Ongoing baler repairs.

∙ Ran burn box.

∙ Rearranged debris fencing in MSW.

∙ Helped with snow removal.

∙ Equipment maintenance.

∙ Trash route training.

Community Development:

∙ Year End Totals:

o Building Permits: 148.

o Collected $47745.96 in Building Permit Fees.

o Total Improvement Valuation of $10,117,571.86.

o Zoning Permits: 50.

o Collected $1250 in Zoning Permit Fees.

o Total Improvement Valuation of $315,492.16.

o Plumbing and Mechanical Permits: 201.

o Collected $9,070 in P&M Permit Fees.

o Demolition Permits: 5.

o Collected $125 in Demolition Permit Fees.

o Right of Way Excavation, Construction, and Obstruction Permits: 29.

o Collected $725 in ROW Permit Fees.

o Planning Commission held 10 meetings in 2023.

▪ Approved 2 Conditional Use Permits;

▪ Recommended approval of a new Comprehensive Plan, realignment of the Extraterritorial Zoning Jurisdiction, many municipal code amendments, 4

rezones, 5 Blight and Substandard Studies, and Preliminary and Final Plats for Myrtle 2nd Addition;

▪ Discussed the adoption of a Vacant Property Registration Ordinance; and

▪ Held a public hearing for the annexation of the hospital property.

o Board of Adjustment held 1 meeting in 2023 where they reorganized and received training.

∙ January 9 Planning Commission.

o Article VII of the Municipal Code adding provisions for Minor Subdivisions. o Lot 9A, Hillcrest Addition Final Plat.

Parks Division:

∙ Prepared for and worked two funerals for Friday.

∙ Removed leaves that were blown in around the utility office door and ramp. ∙ Worked on the valve and started filling the ice skating rink.

∙ Continued maintenance on pickups and machinery.

∙ Started a new employee.


∙ BNSF hosted a rules training class for two days this week.

∙ Worked on cataloging two large collections so they are available for research. ∙ Continued cataloging rural school records.

∙ Volunteers are taking down the memory trees and storing the ornaments until next Christmas. ∙ Hosted the January scrapbooking event.

RSVP & Senior Center:

∙ 15 Volunteers assisted with community activities this week.

∙ Continued to serve dine in and delivery meals for seniors in the community. ∙ Participation in activities at the Senior Center continues to increase.


∙ The New Year is in full swing with new programming for adults and children. There are some exciting options for our patrons this year, so be sure to check our website or Facebook page to see what is happening at APL!

∙ Adult Services Librarian Nalani Stewart updated the website with our new programs, pulled older books off the new shelves, and prepared the adult monthly stats. She also hosted Fiber Arts club, BYOB, and Art A La Carte Craft Club.

∙ Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn held a Winter Sparkle Story Time and hosted LEGO Club. She also prepared stats for December and the yearly report, and organized supplies. ∙ Library Clerks Pam Becker and Stephanie Hamilton have been busy preparing the library for a new year, processing materials, and maintaining patron records.


∙ Upstairs epoxy flooring project completed.

∙ Upstairs bathroom remodel progressing.

∙ Monthly ARFF training was conducted.

∙ Year-end reporting.


∙ MALSR update – Work continues on getting information in place for required annual inspection along with documentation and manuals for non-federal data base. Staff is working hard to find some needed parts for the MALSR and has been the main focus of the week.

∙ Continue to participate in phone calls regarding the upcoming project of the Seal Coat of Runway 12/30 and Runway 8/26. Phasing and Safety plans are still being worked on to find the best way to keep as much access for pilots as possible. It is a challenge because of where the two runways intersect.

∙ NDOT airport’s survey is complete and submitted.

∙ Warehouse inspections continue.

∙ Wayne participated in monthly ARFF training.

∙ Tumbleweed clean-up is never ending!


∙ OPEN ENROLLMENT CHANGES ARE COMPLETED! HR has approved code changes in HR and Payroll for employee benefits for the 2024 Plan year. Employees will see these changes on the first payroll of the month.

∙ Provided requested information for annual audit regarding salaries and benefits.

∙ Finalizing 1095 Reports and checking for accuracy on all employees and dependents for offers, acceptance and waivers of coverage for 2023 ACA reporting.

∙ Enrolling eligible employees in the City’s Retirement Plan, medical, dental, vision insurance and assisting employees with other requests.

∙ Completing interviews for open positions, pre-employment testing and onboarding for new hires. Administration:

∙ Continued implementation efforts for new agenda software

∙ Continued implementation efforts for new public notification platform

∙ Follow-up interviews for Police Chief Candidates

∙ Personnel matters, including annual evaluations

∙ Meeting with various department heads

∙ FY2023 Financial Audit

∙ Preparations for upcoming Council Agenda