Traveled to Rapid City to drop off our three new to us (i.e. used) vehicles for equipment
Commenced work on our Annual Report.
739 Riders
Installed 24 radios (1700 total installs currently)
Completed 22 work orders, 18 locates
Cleaned all pickups
Collected water samples and chlorine samples
Read cycle 2 radios
Replaced variable frequency drive fan at Elkhorn well; replaced fuse at Well #2
Changed seal filters in lift stations
Repaired hydrant pump
Ongoing lead and copper inventory updates
Repaired globe valve at SCADA
Changed backhoe batteries
159 tons of refuse collected this week
111 customers this week
Laid dirt cover
Burned tree debris
Ongoing baler repairs
Scheduled bidder site visits for next week
Applied slice to roadways
Continued pickup of Christmas trees
Snow blower training
Completed 18 locates
Replaced battery on unit #915
Replaced cutting edge blades on unit #904
Serviced loader
Tree trimming
Knight Museum:
Putting Christmas away.
Started reorganizing the Heritage Room and filing additional information.
Accession items being catalogued and we continue adding items to the new display case
We now recycle nearly everything we receive that we are not able to reuse including
cardboard, plastics, paper, styrofoam, etc.
Helped Maintenance with picking up a paper cutter in Scottsbluff for the Library.
Helped unload a food truck at the Senior Center.
Snow removal.
Repaired some snow removal equipment.
Took delivery of the new tractor and traded in the Skid steer.
Completed servicing on the pickups and started on small equipment.
Senior Center:
We had 22 volunteers in the community this week.
We also played cards, bingo and showed a movie for entertainment activities this week.
Commodities were distributed. We would like to put out a huge thank you to Vickie
Hielscher and the Parks employees for assisting in unloading the truck on Thursday.
We are excited to begin a new year here at the library! We have been working on
updating and streamlining some of our procedures to make our patron services more user-
friendly. We also have been spending time creating new displays and looking at new
options for programming this year. The staff has also been busy compiling statistics for
our annual survey. In the month of December, the library had 2,088 patrons visit the
library and we circulated 5,136 items.
Adult Services Librarian Nalani Stewart contacted Humanities Nebraska speakers to set
up programming for the new year, added new displays and prepared stats for the annual
report. She also hosted both Fiber Arts Clubs and the book club at Highland Park Care
Technical Services Librarian Emily Nelson completed the December Director’s Report
and posted it to the website. She also made the first weekly Bookmobile deliveries of
2025, processed ILLs, took meeting minutes at the APL Board meeting, and assisted
patrons with the computers.
Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn hosted Story Time featuring “Nifty N” and did an
outreach visit to Immanuel Lutheran School. LEGO Club worked on their creations with
new participants joining. She also organized Book Mobile items, and coordinated all
participating school’s 2025 schedules of pickup/delivery. Her ongoing projects include
preparing for upcoming events, cataloging new books, maintaining backpacks, book
displays and updating website. She also did a new Wiggleworm feature of “Hibernate
with a Great Book”.
Library Clerk Stephanie Hamilton has been busy processing new materials and assisting
patrons with checkouts, reference questions, and printing documents.
Plowed snow
Essential Air Service interviews were held with the four bidding airlines. Thank you to
all the members from the community who have served on the EAS Review Committee
for your time and efforts!
Continue to install new load control/disconnect boxes on rural irrigation wells
Installed new three-phase conductors on one-half of CR 63 line rebuild project, north of
Otoe Road
Repaired/replaced several decorative streetlights in 200 block of Box Butte
Installed new floodlight on Flack storage units
Attended Council strategic planning meeting
Two WNCC line school students started their required internship with our department
Our new Metering and Load Control Technician, Karl Zerck started working for us on
Human Resources:
Working on results of police officer testing
Working with applicants for filling vacancies
End of Year/Beginning of Year Reporting
Strategic Planning session held with the City Council on Thursday.
City Council Meeting held on Tuesday night.
Staff Meeting held Thursday.
Work continued on securing the 1st Interstate Inn with plywood
Met with most department heads individually dealing with a variety of issues.
Participated in EAS contractor interviews.
Personnel issues.
FY24 Audit was mostly completed this week, with the auditors on site from Monday through Wednesday. A special thanks to the Finance Team for their many extra hours
preparing for the audit – it was highly successful!