∙ Attended City Council Meeting and Department Head Meeting
∙ Continued work on Annual Report
∙ Completed updates to Website Data Dashboard
∙ Prepared portable radio quote and justification letter for council
∙ Continue installation of load control/ switch cabinets on irrigation wells
∙ Connected temporary service on Conestoga
∙ Repaired/replaced several streetlights
∙ Started rebuild of three-phase line east of Highway 87 south of cemetery
∙ Performed truck and equipment maintenance
∙ Kirby Bridge attended ACE/MEAN meetings in Kearney
∙ Replaced heater elements in Warehouse and truck bays
∙ Installed new sign in Homestead Addition
∙ Completed 2 locates
∙ Assisted Water Department on water main break
∙ Fixed strobe light on unit #919, replaced plow light on unit # 915
∙ Worked on tailgate hooks and air lines on Unit #911
∙ Replaced faded signs
∙ Hauled 30 loads of crushed rock from landfill
∙ Replaced taillight on unit # 505
∙ Ongoing lead and copper inventory work
∙ Repaired water main on 6th Street in two separate locations
∙ Cleaned tools and equipment
∙ Read cycle 4 meters
∙ Ran new water line at shop
∙ Cleaned grates and sucked pits in shop
∙ Built new shelves
∙ Completed 9 work orders
∙ Ordered replacement parts for main break
∙ Shut of water due to broken fire hydrant
∙ 100 customers this week
∙ 91 tons of refuse collected this week
∙ Ran burn box
∙ Laid dirt cover
∙ Placed bales on hill
∙ Built dumpsters
RSVP & Senior Center:
∙ RSVP had thirty-one volunteers in the community this week.
∙ Senior Center staff and volunteers coordinated the first commodities distribution out of the Center. The event was extremely successful thanks to help from city employees and volunteers. We will continue to streamline and improve the process.
∙ Hosted Cards, bingo and coffee and treats at the center
∙ Continued to provide delivery and dine in meals for local seniors.
∙ The cold weather has not been much of a deterrent for our patrons, which makes us happy, as there is no better time to come in and get a book than winter! We have so many new cozy titles to curl up with on these cold days! If you are brave enough to come out to the library, be sure to ask the staff about all of our new hot chocolate flavors you can enjoy while you’re here!
∙ This week Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn hosted Story Time featuring “Winter Wonderland” with a sparkly snowman craft and LEGO club. Her new Wiggleworm feature on the website features Audiobooks to Love on the Libby app. Cynthia also organized Book Mobile items, maintained backpacks and cataloged new items. Her additional projects include preparing for upcoming events and contacts with restaurants for summer reading prizes.
∙ Adult Services Nalani Stewart cataloged new materials, set up the display for the Blind Date with a Book Contest and Valentine’s Day, and planned future programs. She also hosted the book club at Highland Park Care Center.
∙ Technical Services librarian Emily Nelson finished the reconfiguration of the public computer and printer area. She also updated the website and social media pages, assisted patrons, and made the weekly Bookmobile deliveries.
∙ Library Clerks Pam Becker and Stephanie Hamilton have been busy cleaning up the patron database and creating new brochures featuring reading genres, popular authors, and series.
∙ We are hiring for the position of library page! You may pick up an application here or at the COA Human Resources office. All applications must be returned to HR no later than January 30th.
∙ Hosted a railroad training in the basement
∙ Painted the basement hallway and created a gallery wall in the basement entry way to exhibit more artwork that was previously in storage.
∙ Added new inventory to the gift shop and entered them into inventory
∙ Continued preparations for the NE Museum Association conference.
∙ Worked in the archive room arranging artifacts and assessing donations. Parks Division:
∙ Completed snow removal as necessary and moved snow as possible from curbs and gutters
∙ Repaired snow equipment
∙ Assisted the Senior Center with the food drive delivery
∙ Repaired the trash can in the sunken gardens
∙ Assisted facilities maintenance with filter replacement at the Library
∙ Started assembling picnic tables which will move to Carhenge in the spring.
∙ Presented airline renewal options to council on Tuesday; now working on recommendation letter to the Department of Transportation.
∙ Finalized the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise program review and placed required advertisement in paper. Comment period of 30 days is required and program will go before council the first meeting in March.
∙ Completed year-end reports regarding building and land leases to submit to County Assessor.
∙ Working on two renewal leases for warehouse building at the airport.
∙ Maintenance staff participated in the monthly ARFF training.
∙ Snow removal and clean up was required last weekend.
∙ Broom training was able to be conducted due to snow.
∙ Completed repairs on the Weather Service Building restroom.
∙ Pasture inspections conducted monitoring prairie dog activities.
Human Resources:
∙ Working with department heads to schedule and conduct interviews for open positions.
∙ Completing background and reference check on applicants.
∙ Preparing for new hires including onboarding and scheduling start dates. ∙ Ensuring eligible employees are enrolled in upcoming benefit options including medical, dental, vision, life and retirement setup.
∙ Distributing required notices to employees regarding instances of First Reporting and FMLA requests.
∙ Completing the annual MIS Report for annual FTA drug and alcohol testing audit. ∙ Submitting wage and employment status changes for biweekly payroll processing. ∙ Scheduling employee 1:1 meetings and training.
∙ Processing past employee files and completing off-boarding tasks.
∙ 685 Riders
∙ Preparations for City Council Meeting
∙ Attended City Council and Staff Meetings
∙ Held multiple interviews for open positions
∙ Working on personnel matters and scheduling
∙ Met with multiple department heads
∙ Performed data analysis on the Public Transit Program
∙ Met with President Dart of WNCC to discuss support for the Trades Program ∙ Phone call with the State on transit grant renewal