Reflections for the Week of July 1-5

Community Development:

∙ June Permitting:

o 73 Building Permits issued for an estimated improvement value of $3,521,100.24.

o 4 Zoning Permits issued for an estimated improvement value of $12,250.00.

o 2 Demolition Permits issued.

o 10 Plumbing and Mechanical Permits issued.

o 4 ROW Excavation, Obstruction, and Construction Permits issued.

∙ June Planning Commission Meeting:

o 2024-2025 CIP Budget Public Hearing

o Proposed Code Amendments to minimum house requirements.

o Proposed Code Amendments to driveway and access requirements.

∙ No June Board of Adjustment meeting due to lack of agenda items.

∙ Major Building Projects:

o Demolition permit for 100 Emerson issued (Old O.M. Kellogg grain elevator).

o Partial Occupancy was issued for the bottom two floors of 2465 S Hwy 385 (Extended stay suites and 2nd floor apartments).

o Issued a building permit for the construction of a new lumber shed at 1515 W 3rd Street (Bloedorn).

o Demolition work on 640 Belmont has begun with the removal of the asbestos containing materials. This is a City Property Maintenance Code enforcement project. This will be the eighth house in the last five years that has been either rehabilitated or demolished.

o Some interior work has started on the Westco Agronomy buildings. Exterior work continues.

Nuisance Abatement:

∙ Scheduled 6 lots for mowing

∙ 54 Contacts made

∙ 24 follow-ups to citizen complaints

∙ 8 on-site meetings

∙ 27 complete cases

∙ 4 certified letters sent to people residing out of town

∙ Assisted with building inspections

∙ 6 nuisances that are works in progress

Accounting and Finance:

∙ Attended Council meeting and Department Leader meeting

∙ Paid all approved Council Claims

∙ Budget preparation work

Utility Billing Services:

∙ Ten new residential accounts and six new commercial accounts opened


∙ Finalized July 4th staffing

∙ Scheduled in-person and software training for new camera trailer

∙ Finalized employee awards to be presented at the first August Council meeting

∙ Toured the Mission store

∙ Working on body worn camera grant with Jess

∙ Met with Larry Bolinger about juvenile diversion and the bike program

∙ Attended Council Meeting, Department Head Meeting, and the Fourth of July Fireworks Display

Human Resources:

∙ Auditing current administrative functions internally to update and improve processes in HR

∙ Preparing for Sergeant and Lieutenant promotional testing

∙ Assisting department heads with updating policies and job descriptions

∙ Administering the FTA and FMCSA Drug and Alcohol testing programs

∙ Helping employees with requests

∙ Preparing for upcoming interviews for recently closed positions and processing applications for current vacancies including Nutrition aide, Nutrition Delivery Driver, and Police Officer


∙ Chief inspected and issued firework stand permits for three stands.

∙ Chief inspected the needed airport fuel inspection corrections and submitted inspection reports to the Airport Manager and FBO.

∙ Monthly ARFF Drill conducted.

∙ Second week of Fire Apparatus Diver/Operator class with the State Fire Marshal Training Division held. Firefighters from Bridgeport and Hemingford are participating in this class along with Alliance Firefighters.

∙ Work continues on the restroom remodel project.

∙ Small outdoor painting projects started.

∙ Staffed the public fireworks display.

∙ Ran three fireworks-related fires.


∙ Taxiway/Apron project update – No painting this week but hopefully they will be back next Wednesday to finish. They have Taxiway B, part of Taxiway C and the commercial part of the apron left to finish.

∙ All items turned into the FAA and we have received our clearance letter, signifying the completion of this year’s inspection.

∙ Put out information for paint and bead quotes for our yearly painting.

∙ Participated in a phone conference with Denver Air Connection regarding rental cars.

∙ NDOT (Aeronautics Division) notified us that the grant should be coming any day for the Seal Coat of Runway 12/30 and 8/26. Once contracts are executed, we will get a schedule to know when this project will start.

∙ Worked on the upcoming electrical project to replace runway lights and signs. More information was requested and pricing estimates need to be updated. FAA has indicated that they would also like a draft engineering agreement as the next steps on this project. We are still waiting to hear back from a grant request to complete electrical of all taxiways.

∙ Maintenance staff participated in the monthly ARFF training.

∙ Mowing and wildlife control were the focus of this week. Mowing and clean up around the warehouse was completed.


∙ With Children’s and Youth Services events, the LEGO Club worked on new creations this week. “Adventure Begins At Your Library” Summer Reading included 284 registrations for preschool through twelfth grade and youngsters are excited to receive the grand prizes for their efforts! Many thanks to the Alliance Public Library Foundation for providing amazing prizes plus Pat McCauley, Bob Swedeen, and the Public Works crew for assembling the adventure vehicles! Photos were taken of the winners and posted to the library’s Facebook page along with many thank you posts. Event photos included in the Adventure Album on Facebook.

∙ Cynthia also organized and delivered Book Mobile items plus Adventure thank you posters to local restaurants. June Stats are compiled and documented. Ongoing projects include updating book displays and the website, cataloging new items and backpack maintenance. In addition, preparations have begun for a new Wiggleworm feature for the website and Story Time themes/crafts for the upcoming school year.

∙ This week Nalani cataloged new materials, put up two new displays, and planned future Adult programming. I also compiled the stats for the Director’s report, updated our website and social media pages, and hosted the book club at Highland Park Care Center.


∙ Museum staff continued working diligently on the archival project in the basement. They have measured, created descriptions, and taken photos of donations from the last several years to add them to Past Perfect, our Museum Collection software.

∙ Hosted a meeting of the Sandhillers as they continue their project to identify specific early landmarks on maps of the area.

∙ Assisted several travelers with research into family history in this area.

∙ Visitor travel continues to be steady.


∙ Member Guest tournament kick off. The tournament is full and it looks like we will have a great weekend for it.

∙ Grounds crews continued to keep the course in great shape for play.

∙ Play continues to be busy when the weather is good.

RSVP & Senior Center:

∙ RSVP had 10 volunteers in the community this week.

∙ Staff assisted with several community events and with the fireworks on Thursday.

∙ Delivery and Dine in meals were prepared, served and delivered.


∙ Mowed all areas of the parks and all ballfields mowed twice.

∙ Mowed and trimmed the west side of Laing Lake in preparation for the fireworks show.

∙ Started the second round of mowing empty lots.

∙ Gathered supplies together and loaded the trailers for the fireworks show.

∙ Regular trash route on Friday and picked up after the fireworks show.

∙ Irrigation repairs at the swimming pool/library and north Box Butte islands.

∙ Trimmed weeds at the entry signs, east and west.


∙ Special thanks to all the Parks Department employees and volunteers who made the Independence Day fireworks show a success!

∙ City Council and Department Head meetings

∙ Met with engineer on the City Hall Addition project

∙ FY25 Budget preparation work continues