Reflections for the Week of July 22-26, 2024


∙ Busy with Heritage Days activities.

∙ Driver/Operator driving confidence course held Saturday with State Fire Marshal Training Division.

∙ Driver/Operator mobile water supply apparatus class held Monday with State Fire Marshal Training Division.

∙ Weekly fire drills held Wednesday evening and covered ground ladders.

∙ Weekly career staff meeting held Thursday morning with the Human Resources Department attending.

∙ Holding the Driver/Operator all-day skills day on Saturday and the Practical Skills exam and written test on Sunday by the State Fire Marshal Training Division.

Utility Billing Services:

∙ Cycle 3 and Cycle 4 bills mailed.

∙ Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 reminders mailed.

∙ Opened eleven new residential, two commercial accounts, and one temporary meter account. Accounting and Finance:

∙ Processed payroll.

∙ Began Council 3rd Quarter report.

∙ Continued Budget review.

∙ Began Unclaimed Property review.

∙ Began E911 Reconciliation and balancing.

∙ Processed Accounts Payable.


∙ Performed numerous hours of irrigation load control.

∙ Installed three-phase padmount transformer at new Westco Agronomy building.

∙ Replaced secondary pole on Dakota Avenue for Westco service.

∙ Replaced several LED traffic signal light fixtures.

∙ Replaced meter can, meter and CT wiring on main High School transformer.

∙ Re-routed secondary line on Niobrara for garage construction.

∙ Repaired/maintained four irrigation well transformer banks.

∙ Operated generation plant on Monday afternoon to relieve grid deficiencies.

∙ Installed three-phase padmount transformer and related equipment at Thompson Potato in Berea.


∙ The gift shop has new t-shirts for adults and kids. Come check them out!

∙ The facility was rented for a baby shower.

∙ FINISHED the extensive archival and storage project, a culmination of our 5-year inventory upgrade project!

∙ Staff continued work on restoring a bull that was used in parades for the NE Cattleman which will be added to the displays as soon as he is done.

∙ Assisted with several requests for research assistance with family history.

RSVP & Senior Center:

∙ RSVP had 14 volunteers working in community assisting with activities and events.

∙ The Office of Aging hosted an event at the Senior Center that brought law students together with local seniors to provide estate planning.

∙ Continued providing dine in and delivery meals for area seniors.

∙ Hosted the following activities: Card Parties, Bingo, “Movie Afternoon and Coffee” and Treats.


∙ Regular mowing.

∙ Cut and removed wood vine and volunteer trees at Laing lake.

∙ Continued working removing deadfall and suckers in the creek at Stadium Trail.

∙ Continued installing rubber weed block under fences at the Softball complex to eliminate more trimming.

∙ Picked up grass piles at Sallows Museum and Softball.

∙ Picked up picnic tables and rollouts and litter in the street after Heritage Days.

∙ Hand-watered new trees at Laing Lake and Big Blue Bay.

∙ Sprayed weeds at west Laing Lake, various city parking lots, and around the utility office. Golf:

∙ Hosted the BBGH tournament on Friday with 32 teams participating.

∙ Play continues to be steady.


∙ We are excited to give the library a fresh face by continuing to work on rearranging the library! The move of the DVD collection to the end of the non-fiction stacks will be the first change.

∙ Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn did KCOW announcements, created Story Time crafts, cataloged new items, did backpack checks, and also inventoried and organized Book Mobile items.

∙ Adult Services Librarian Nalani Stewart cataloged new materials, hosted the APL Book Club, and continued work on the DVD reorganization project. She also hosted the book club at Highland Park Care Center and planned future programs.

∙ Library Clerks Stephanie Hamilton and Pam Becker have been busy processing the high volume of new books we received this week. Come in and chose a title from a new author we have added to the collection!


∙ Attended “When Then Project” Training Demo

∙ Met with Nebraska State Patrol captain and lieutenant about shared space for evidence and a shared printer to keep troopers in Alliance on a more consistent basis

∙ Met with HR about upcoming promotional testing procedures

∙ Coordinating with Action for mobile radio installs and troubleshooting new dispatch headsets to get them working properly

∙ Bytes completed new backup battery and power management plan for dispatch.

∙ Coordinating with AT&T to place a signal booster in the public safety building due to ongoing issues with AT&T FirstNet signal within the building (AT&T is providing these services at no additional cost to city).


∙ Taxiway/Apron project update – M.C. Schaff and staff walked most of the taxiway and apron for one of what has been multiple inspections.

∙ Seal Coat Runway 12/30 & 8/26 Project – Participated in phone conference to discuss scheduling and phasing of this project. Tentative start date will be September 4th.

∙ Airfield Electrical Project – Final scope approved by FAA; now waiting on final comments from all parties on the draft engineer agreement.

∙ Finalized water testing for the terminal R.O. Unit.

∙ Worked on required updates to the Airport Security Plan. This update addresses Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS).

∙ Haying of the airfield continues.

∙ Started inspections of grazing land for obnoxious weeds and unwanted wildlife. This will be an on-going project of staff.

∙ Maintenance staff mowed Runway 8/26, Runway 17/35, all taxiways, and airport road.

∙ Swept Runway 12/30 and taxiways, this also allowed for training of new employee on this piece of equipment.

∙ Finished weed spraying of Runway 17/35.

∙ Washed tractor and truck.

∙ Wildlife control will continue to be a weekly focus of staff.


∙ Took water samples and chlorine residuals.

∙ A contractor rented one hydrant meter for the new bank under construction at 3rd and Cody.

∙ Cycle 4 radios read.

∙ 37 radios installed.

∙ Jetter 7,600 ft. of sewer.

∙ 12 locates and 17 utility office work orders completed.

∙ Pulled and cleaned airport lift station pumps.

∙ Well houses getting reroofed.

∙ Repaired parts on the Vactor Truck.

∙ Oil changed on unity 505 and the travel car.

∙ Cleaned wells.

∙ Flattened prairie dog holes at well field.


∙ 475 rides.


∙ Picked up barricades from Heritage Days. Set up and took down barricades for the parade.

∙ Tore out and poured new concrete on Missouri.

∙ Completed utility locates.

∙ Graded east 8th street and Elkorn.

∙ Mowed and weed eat around signs and right of ways.

∙ Ongoing street sweeping.

∙ Cleaned drain & Colvert on 8th and Elkhorn.

∙ Grader and vactor truck training.