Reflections for the Week of July 24-28


• FAA inspection was completed and no discrepancies were found! This is a huge accomplishment as it is the job of inspectors to find issues. Thank you to all that help the airport accomplish this task.

• Taxiway/Apron Rehabilitation Project – Middle portion of the apron does not meet minimum specifications so milling will take place again and asphalt top layer replaced.

• Participated in a conference call with United in regards to the possibility of Alliance being a diversionary airport for them.

• Mowing and weed control continues to take up the majority of our time.

Chamber of Commerce:

• What a difference one week can make! This time last week we were kicking off the celebration of Heritage Days 2023! What a fun time (stressful for me) the town had. So the town felt really festive and vibrant! Edison and Courtney were celebrated nicely and looked like they really enjoyed the parade. KAB was hot on the finish cleanup after.

• Teardown was completed by Frazier Shows and everything was out by mid-morning Sunday, impressive. Now we swing right into County Fair and all the events in Hemingford.

• We had our highest turnout for the Heritage Days 5k/10k with 93 runners, as well as the highest disc golf participation with 85 golfers! Free day at Big Blue Bay looked packed!

Police Admin:

• Meetings: CALEA, Datalytics, Metis, Know Your Force, Central Square, National Policing Institute, State 911

Police Communications/Intelligence:

• Coordinated 910 calls for service

• Completed 2 report requests

• 0 firearm permits issued

• 26 Cases Resolved

• 13 Active Investigations

• 3 accidents

• 0 DUI

• 169 Building Checks

• 23 Community Contacts/Business Checks

• 2 Child Welfare Investigations

• 6 Traffic Stops

• 4 Vacation House Checks


• 71 Calls for service YTD

• 101 Offers for service YTD

• 74 Now or Continued Direct Service YTD

• 41 Medical Service Referrals YTD

• 31 Financial Service Referrals YTD

• 39 Employment Coaching YTD

• 357 Services provided

• 194 Individuals helped or reached

• 2 Graduates YTD

• 0 Known relapses YTD

Animal Control:

• 25 Animal Calls

• 4 Dog Impounds. 3 dogs currently in the shelter.

• 0 Cat Impounds. 0 cats currently in the shelter.

Code Enforcement:

• 17 Code enforcement issues

Notable Service:

• Satisfaction rating 91.2%

• Overall crime is down 30.1 YTD%

• Special recognition to all staff and VIP’s for the extra work during Heritage Days handling over 900 calls for service in one week!


• February Transit reimbursement received

• Attended budget workshop

• McKenna Leach was promoted to Account Clerk II and began on-the-job training for her new position.


• On the night of July 21, a surge arrestor failed south of town causing the recloser at Kansas street and HWY 385 to open, resulting in a rural outage. Faulty equipment was by-passed and power restored.

• Disconnected and removed portable power rack for carnival trailers; Read meters and locked all secondary pedestals on Box Butte used for Heritage Days vendors.

• Started irrigation load control on Sunday, with controlled load all week.

• Removed old lights at tennis court on Box Butte and started installing new LED lights.

• An auto accident Wednesday morning knocked two poles down resulting in large power outage for 37 minutes until lines could be cleared. We then replaced the damaged poles and wire.

• Performed switching procedures to relieve voltage issues at Cody substation.

• Repaired faulty lines at Nance Road and HWY 385.


• Attended budget hearing.

• Participated in the online kickoff for the NG911 GIS/TDMS Project.

• Wednesday night drill was Vehicle Extrication at the FD Training Grounds.

• Preparing for testing out on Hazardous Materials Operations with the Nebraska State Fire Marshal Training Division this Saturday.

• Assisted with the final repairs on the Bank of the West Flag pole.

• Working to secure a dilapidated building in conjunction with the State Fire Marshall and the Alliance Police and Community Development Departments.


• Completed 82 locates

• Painted parking lot and parking stall white lines

• Clean and prep 6th and Toluca road excavation for concrete pour

• Pick up and store barricades and cones from Heritage days


• 386 riders this week


• Worked on Well #1 need to replace control board

• Installed battery backup at lift station “C”

• Water main break at 6th and Toluca

• Completed maintenance work on SCADA computer

• Televised storm sewer at Subway

• Completed 82 locates

• Completed 21 work orders

• Jetted 20,000 feet of sanitary sewer

• Took weekly water samples

• Sampled weekly chlorine residuals


• 211 customers this week

• 222 tons of refuse this week

• Built and place 3 litter fences

• Moved and stacked bales

• Changed twister pinion and end of feed finger

• Repaired bobcat connector piston

• Cleaned basement

• Completed trash truck repairs

• Removed Heritage Days dumpsters

• Road debris cleanup. Fence debris cleanup

• Trimmed weeds around property


• Mowed and trimmed all park areas as necessary

• Continued building dugout shelter structures at the softball complex

• Work on irrigation issues at Laing Lake, Softball and the pool

• Spayed for bindweed and thistle at the pool, in the ditch by the dog park and at Laing Lake

• Sprayed curbs and parkway at Central Park, fountain block and stadium block

• Mowed along the pedestrian trail East of Flack avenue along 10th street.Mowed the 3rd street water tower

• Seasonal staff is starting to leave for the season


• Traveling Art Show ended and was packed up and sent to the next destination

• Hosted the Class of ‘63 for their class reunion. Staff provided annuals and photos of the class for them to look at during their event.

• Assisted with research on NE Dance Halls and Balls

• Assisted various patrons with research on Alliance High School and several graduating classes

• Worked with volunteers and presenters to schedule several speakers for the fall season

• Continued accessing school records and files.


• Cynthia’s organized check-outs for Book Mobile, leading Adult Library Book Club discussion, and the “All Together Now” Movie Party. Many thanks to the Sandhills Drive-In Theatre for donating the car entry for families and the Alliance Public Library Foundation for providing the cost of the movie and popcorn for each youngster!

• Ongoing projects include preparations for Story Time, creative projects and activity bags for newcomers, plus backpacks, book updates, displays and shelf reading.

• Updated the Facebook/Instagram pages and website with current programming information.

• Processed Interlibrary Loans and made the weekly Bookmobile deliveries.


• Hosted the Heritage Days 3-person Scramble on Sunday

• The course continues to be busy

• Maintenance staff mowed and maintained the course as necessary.

Upcoming City Business:

• July-August, consideration of blighted and substandard designations.

• August-September, consideration of annexations.

• July-September, Budget: workshops, hearings and adoption.