Reflections for the Week of July 3-7


• Heritage Days planning is coming along nicely!

• Helped with City of Alliance Fireworks Display.


• Held monthly board of directors meeting Wednesday.

• On Thursday, Rural Fellow Marissa held two listening sessions with the Hemingford Community to review proposals she has prepared in developing a New Brand Guide for Hemingford Public School District.

• Thursday also was the 2nd Session for Rural Fellows Marissa & Ritu’s Lunch & Learn on Marketing – good attendance and even celebrated some wins from the week before.


• Energized the service for the new Westco tire center.

• Installed two new poles and upgraded the hardware on a three phase line north of Kansas street and the Landfill.

• Assisted the Landfill crew with unloading of new wind screens.

• Had a squirrel-caused outage on 1000 block of Duncan on Friday.

• Performed numerous locates.

• Performed maintenance on overhead structures in urban system.

• Repaired/replaced streetlights.


• Two fireworks related responses over the seven-day selling and discharge period.

• Provided fire safety stand-by for the public fireworks display.

Police Admin:

• Meetings: Datalytics, Terawe, CALEA.

Police Communications/Intelligence:

• Coordinated 689 calls for service.

• Completed 3 report requests.

• 0 firearm permits issued.

Police Operations:

• 15 Cases Resolved.

• 8 Active Investigations.

• 5 accidents.

• 1 DUI.

• 97 Building Checks.

• 17 Community Contacts/Business Checks.

• 4 Child Welfare Investigations.

• 7 Traffic Stops.

• 0 Vacation House Checks.


• 64 Calls for service YTD.

• 77 Offers for service YTD.

• 48 Now or Continued Direct Service YTD.

• 37 Medical Service Referrals YTD.

• 21 Financial Service Referrals YTD.

• 30 Employment Coaching YTD.

• 277 Services provided.

• 117 Individuals helped or reached.

• 2 Graduates YTD.

• 0 Known relapses YTD.

Animal Control:

• 40 Animal Calls.

• 5 Dog Impounds. 0 dogs currently in the shelter.

• 3 Cat Impounds. 3 cats currently in the shelter.

Code Enforcement:

• 12 Code enforcement issues.

Notable Service:

• Satisfaction rating 91.1%.

• Special recognition to ACO Toni Ravert for a high volume of impounds.

• Special recognition Sergeant Peterson for coordinating schedule coverage.


• Taxiway/Apron Rehabilitation Project – Weather has delayed getting this project finished. Next week the painters will be here for final coats of paint on taxiways.

• Swept Runway 17/35 and Runway 8/26. Mowed Runway 12/30 and Taxiway B.

• Special inspections of temporary markings on taxiways completed before final coats put down.

• Staff participated in monthly ARFF training.

• Submitted all documents for the FAA review. Preparing all areas for FAA site inspection on July 18th & 19th.


• Making preparations for the largest tournament of the season.

• Continued to find issues resulting from storm damage. Getting those repairs completed.

• Play continues to be heavy because of the mild weather conditions.


• Assisted several travelers with family history research and responded to multiple phone requests for information.

• Continued working with suppliers to replace the touch screen and associated computer.

• Worked on updating databases and family history research collections.

• Worked with class reunions to collect information for use during their events.


• The summer reading program is all wrapped up freeing up staff time to look ahead to Fall projects. Work continues on building maintenance and improvement, with some new features being planned for our patrons to enjoy this Fall. We are looking forward to offering some great crafting and learning opportunities to make some wonderful holiday projects!

• Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn wrapped up “All Together Now” final projects and sent thank you cards and the final report for the Chris Sayre Humanities Nebraska program. The ARC brought their summer camp participants to the library this week for stories, music, art and a library tour. Cynthia also made preparations for the upcoming Monkeys in Motion Story Time event with Christa Fulk and Danielle Walters. Her other projects included June stats and updating displays.

• Technical Services Librarian Emily Nelson compiled the information for the June Director’s Report. She also finished reading the shelves of the Nonfiction section with Adult Service’s Librarian Nalani Stewart, processed several Inter Library Loans, and assisted patrons with computer and printing questions.

• Library Clerks Pam Becker and Kris Wilder have been helping with summer reading wrap up and assisting with Farmer’s Market and other upcoming Fall projects.


• Continued working on Playground Maintenance.

• Mowed most parks and buildings but continued cool wet weather has slowed mowing for this week.

• Prepared for and cleaned up Laing Lake after the 4th of July celebrations.

• Packed up and stored all of the Firework accessories until next year.

• Cleaned shop.

• Continued dispersing mosquito dunks at Laing and along the drainage ditches in our parks.

• Emptied all trash receptacles three times this week due to the holiday weekend.

• Removed old collapsed drainage culvert at Laing and replaced gravel.

• Prepared two graves this week (one Friday and one Saturday).

• Completed irrigation maintenance as problems were identified.

• Trimmed at cemetery and in town in various places.

Community Development:

• The new phone system will be installed beginning Tuesday, July 11th. The phones at the Municipal Building may be down for a few hours. All other facilities are not anticipated to have any interruptions.


• A big “Thank You” to all who volunteered to shoot off community fireworks at Laing Lake as we celebrated Independence Day!

Upcoming City Business:

• July-August, consideration of blighted and substandard designations.

• July-August, consideration of annexations.

• July-September, Budget: workshops, hearings and adoption.