Reflections for the Week of July 31-Aug. 4


• Weekly drill: ARFF – Airport/Aircraft Familiarization, Alliance Municipal Airport Layout

• Hosted the Pine Ridge Mutual Aid Association Meeting.


• Completed onboarding for our newest employee, Brandt Smith, Police Officer Trainee. Welcome Brandt!

• Ongoing training and implementation preparation for Onboarding and Benefits administration in Paylocity HRIS.

• Ensuring compliance for FMLA and Work Comp Reporting.

• Working with Department Heads to conduct interviews for open positions and following up on references and pre-employment conditions for new hires.

• Processing incoming applications for open positions and administering skills assessment for the same.

• Assisting employees and external customers with requests.

Police Admin:

• Meetings: CALEA, Datalytics, Metis, Know Your Force, Central Square, FirtNet, Vollee.

Police Communications/Intelligence:

• Coordinated 797 calls for service.

• Completed 0 report requests.

• 2 firearm permits issued.

• 21 Cases Resolved.

• 17 Active Investigations.

• 7 accidents.

• 1 DUI.

• 121 Building Checks.

• 21 Community Contacts/Business Checks.

• 4 Child Welfare Investigations.

• 3 Traffic Stops.

• 14 Vacation House Checks.


• 71 Calls for service YTD.

• 104 Offers for service YTD.

• 74 Now or Continued Direct Service YTD.

• 41 Medical Service Referrals YTD.

• 31 Financial Service Referrals YTD.

• 41 Employment Coaching YTD.

• 362 Services provided.

• 198 Individuals helped or reached.

• 2 Graduates YTD.

• 0 Known relapses YTD.

Animal Control:

• 41 Animal Calls.

• 3 Dog Impounds. 3 dogs currently in the shelter.

• 0 Cat Impounds. 0 cats currently in the shelter.

Code Enforcement:

• 7 Code enforcement issues.

Notable Service:

• Satisfaction rating 91%.

• Overall crime is down 29 YTD%.

• Special recognition to staff for their hard work on an intense investigation. A special thanks to Dani and Reina for working on uniform orders.

• Another thanks to Jess for getting the body automation under way.


• Wrap up month end financials for June.

• Preparing Quarterly reports for next Council meeting.

• Attended budget workshop and Council Meeting.

• Close out RSVP 20-23 Grant cycle.

• Review Accounting Clerk applications.

Community Development

• 52 Building Permits issued for a total improvement valuation of $244,061.26.

• 2 Zoning Permits issued for a total improvement valuation of $32,000.

• 49 Plumbing and Mechanical Permits issued.

• 3 Right of Way Construction, Obstruction, or Excavation permits.

• August Planning Commission will hold a public hearing for the proposed annexation of 2101 Box Butte Avenue otherwise known as Box Butte General Hospital.

• No August Board of Adjustment Meeting Scheduled due to lack of agenda items.

• Worked with BTS completing punch list items on the new phone system installation.


• On the night of Sunday, August 30 high winds caused a tree to blow over in the 500 block of east 3rd. The tree landed on a power pole causing damage and had to be removed before power could be restored. The same storm caused a surge arrestor to operate south of town on York road creating an outage. It was cleared from the line and power restored.

• Completed installation of 16th street tennis court lights, waiting on controller parts to finish project.

• Installed and terminated primary lines to extended-stay hotel.

• Replaced lightning caused issues on several irrigation well transformer banks.

• Operated generation plant at 3rd and Cody for yearly MEAN required testing.

• Performed switching operations at Cody and Broadwater substations.

• Early Friday morning a vehicle accident at 25th and Emerson caused the 34.5 circuit to “slap” together creating a blink on the whole electric system. Repairs from accident are underway.

• Performed irrigation well load control on Saturday and Sunday.

• Completed three phase rebuild project on Kansas street for Western Potato buildings.


• Replaced Ferric Acid line at 18th and Colorado well.

• Replace chlorine wet head at 18th and Colorado well.

• Collected VOC samples.

• Completed repeat water samples.

• Assisted with concrete pour on 6th and Toluca.

• 1” water tap on 2nd and Emerson.

• Assisted home owner with curb stop locate in William Circle.

• Repaired drive shaft and flat tire on Sewer pivot.

• Repaired road box on 25th and Box Butte.

• Pulled check valve on pump #3 at A station.

• Completed 43 locates.

• Completed 15 utility office work orders.

• Jetted 17,00 feet of sanitary sewer.

• Exercised APU’s.


• Interviewed 5 applicants for employment.

• Poured concrete on 6th and Toluca.

• Painting Yellow curbs and lines.

• Alley grading underway.

• Patching underway.

• Completed 43 locates.


• 409 Riders this week.


• 276 tons this week.

• 234 customers.

• Leveled loose fill pit for next bale transition.

• Completed bobcat repairs.

• Cleaned downstairs in bailer area.

• Replaced truck tires.

• Restocked DEF and Hydraulic fluid.

• Road debris pickup.


• This week has been comforting to my ego, as I have had time to decompress from Heritage Days and take a step back and reflect upon it.

• My focus will be on current members and making sure they are feeling valued as members, but also reaching out to former members and non/new members. I have an opportunity to utilize a “fresh start” approach to all businesses and need to make sure I listen closely to what each individual business expresses.

• I hope to improve the Chamber’s appeal with the promise of strong promotion of local businesses and an eagerness to help.


• Taxiway/Apron Rehabilitation Project – Middle portion of the apron is being milled with asphalt going down next week. Painting is improving since owners are on location. Night inspection of test markings was successful last night so final markings will be started today on the taxiways. This project continues to be a focus of airport staff.

• Mowing and weed control continues. Staff have not had to mow this far into summer before and it takes a lot of time.

• Special inspection of all runway and taxiway lights was conducted this week.

• Warehouse building numbers are getting painted this week and an additional set of numbers added to all buildings next week.

• Maintenance staff participated in monthly ARFF training on Wednesday.

• Attended budget meeting and final review of all items is almost done for airport.


• The technical leisure area of the library is coming along nicely. We will be adding some furnishings and rugs to complete the area and are looking forward to a cozy Fall season for our patrons. The seasonal merchandising area of the bookstore will kick off with a bees, honey, and sunflower display. Come up and see the unique items the staff has created!

• Adult Services Librarian Nalani Stewart added new fiction books to the collection, and pulled older books from the New Fiction and Non-Fiction shelves. She also aided in the preparation of the Director’s Report.

• Technical Services Librarian Emily Nelson prepared the Director’s Report for July and updated the Facebook/Instagram pages and website. She also shelf read the fiction section and helped with some fundraising projects.

• Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn has been busy organizing Book Mobile checkouts, compiling July Stats, updating displays, maintaining backpacks, and cataloging new items. On the website, her new “Wiggleworm” features Nebraska Golden Sower Award winners and honor books. LEGO Club met this week, and we are looking forward to fall programming. Cynthia also completed shelf reading for the children’s collection, with the juvenile collection being next.

• Library Clerks Pam Becker and Kris Wilder have been busy adding multiple cards per day! We are very happy to report the increase of community interest in the library! A special thank you to Kris for sharing her endless talents in creating items for the seasonal store.


• Sprayed bindweed and thistle. Mowing and trimming in town per usual.

• Vacuumed the fountain and installed a new filter pump.

• Complete necessary repairs on the Grasshopper mower.

• Mowed all the empty city lots on the north end of town, south Hudson and south Potash.

• Prepared for two funerals for this weekend.

• Continue working on dugout shelters at the softball complex. 2 are almost complete.

• Prepared Knight Park for the horseshoe tournament this weekend.

• Started trimming the cemetery for the last time before all the seasonal help leaves.

• Painted the tennis shed at the 16th St. courts.


• Prepared for the Iron Horse tournament this weekend.

• Got equipment ready to aerate next week.

• Continued processing special orders for tournament prizes and specialized equipment.


• Hosted Events at the Senior Center.

• Bingo – Every Wednesday.

• Pinochle – Every Thursday AND 1st and 4th Tuesday.

• Bunco – 1st & 3rd Fridays.

• Hand and Foot Canasta – Every Thursday AND 1st & 3rd Friday.

• Continued to provide dine in and delivery meals for seniors in the community.

Upcoming City Business:

• August – September, consideration of blighted and substandard designations.

• August – September, consideration of annexations.

• August – September, Budget: workshops, hearings and adoption.