Reflections for the Week of June 12-16

Police Admin:

• Meetings: Stops Cohort, Central Square, Terawe, South Central, CALEA.

Police Communications/Intelligence:

• Coordinated 756 calls for service.

• Completed 3 report requests.

• 1 firearm permit issued.

Police Operations:

• 17 Cases Resolved.

• 12 Active Investigations.

• 3 accidents.

• 0 DUI.

• 84 Building Checks.

• 24 Community Contacts/Business Checks.

• 0 Child Welfare Investigations.

• 11 Traffic Stops.

• 0 Vacation House Checks.


• 58 Calls for service YTD.

• 62 Offers for service YTD.

• 39 Now or Continued Direct Service YTD.

• 31 Medical Service Referrals YTD.

• 18 Financial Service Referrals YTD.

• 25 Employment Coaching YTD.

• 297 Services provided.

• 103 Individuals helped or reached.

• 2 Graduates YTD.

• 0 Known relapses YTD.

Animal Control:

• 26 Animal Calls.

• 5 Dog Impounds. 0 dogs currently in the shelter.

• 0 Cat Impounds. 0 cats currently in the shelter.

Code Enforcement:

• 24 Code enforcement issues.

Notable Service:

• Satisfaction rating 90.9%.

• Cops and Bobbers Community Event.

• Progress on automated dictation and body cam transfer with the goal of implementation by July 1. Electric:

• Welcomed Journey Lineman DJ Weare aboard!

• Finished installation of primary wire and transformer at the new Westco tire shop. • Energized the upgraded service for the Railroad building located at 1st and Box Butte. • Started the installation of a new set of voltage regulators at intersection of HWY 385 and Logan Road.

• Prepared new transformer and wire for upgrade project next week at Highland Park. • Replaced security lights at rail car maintenance shop east of Alliance.

• Reviewed east rebuild project with Great Plains Power crew as they have started work on project.

• Provided access and supervision to contractor spraying electric substations and yards, mowed vegetation around old power plant at 1st and Toluca.

Community Development:

• Demolition of dilapidated houses at 321 West 6th Street and 1730 Plains Street completed.

• Bids for 640 Belmont Street came back higher than expected; we plan to demolish that house next budget year.

• Interviews held for Permit Tech/Administrative Secretary.

• Working with BTS of North Platte on phone programming and extension set up before installation of the new system.


• Transit reimbursement received for November.

• Caselle update completed.

• Municipal Equalization Aid estimates for 2024 received.

• Coordinated updated IT budget for 2024.

• Payroll completed for June 16th.

Utility Office:

• Recalculation of equal pay complete.

• Irrigation load control choices submitted by customers completed.

• Landfill coupons to be distributed by end of June.


• Patched potholes.

• Sign replacement.

• Fixed dump truck.

• Measurements for sidewalk program.

• Utility Locates.

• Weed eat.

• Fixed drains around town.

• Graded the rodeo road. Alley repairs.


• 469 riders.


• Replaced chlorine transfer pump and foot switch at Burnham well.

• Repaired Dan Foss drive at well 7 and got it back online.

• Mowed and weedeat all wells, lift stations, underground water tank, and fire hydrants. • Jetted 27,300 feet of sewer line over the last 2 weeks.

• Took vactor truck to clean out storm sewer at 15th and Cheyenne.

• Filled in sink hole at 3rd and Flack.

• Ordered new VFD panel for well 2 at the well field.

• Weekly water and chlorine samples.

• Removed bill changer at bulk water fill station and sent off for repairs.

• Treatment plant samples sent in.

• Changed seal filters on lift stations.

• 132 locates.

• 31 work orders.


• 526.77 tons.

• 298 customers.

• Conveyor maintenance.

• Baler maintenance.

• Loader maintenance. Dozer maintenance.

• Laid cover.

• Dozer training.

• Interviewed for equipment operator position.

• Replaced 5 roll-out dumpsters.


• Updated department information with the U.S. Fire Administration’s (USFA) National Fire Department Registry.

• HazMat Operations Level Training began last week. We have 12 Alliance Firefighters participating along with firefighters from Gering and Hemingford. Training is scheduled to wrap up in late July.

• Chief participated in the Panhandle PET (Emergency Management) Meeting. • Chief met with Nebraska’s CARES (Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival) Coordinator. The fire department is looking to join the registry along with Box Butte General Hospital. Airport:

• Taxiway/Apron Rehabilitation Project – Taxiway B is open. The middle portion of the apron has been milled. Weather permitting asphalt should be started next week. That leaves final paint to be put down.

• Mowing, fence maintenance, wildlife control, tree removal, hangar maintenance, and vehicle maintenance were the focus this week.

Knight Museum:

• Museum Staff organized a free cemetery tour of Highway 2 on June 16th. At the first stop Becky Herian gave an overview of the Potash Industry and then on to Lakeside to the Ode Black Cemetery. From there they headed to the St Bernard’s Cemetery in Ellsworth and the Bingham Cemetery. Next was Ashby, then to Hyannis and they finished the day at Whitman. Several local people joined them with their insights about their communities.

• The museum also hosted Highland Park employees who received training in the 8 to Great Program.

• The last scrapbook session of the season was held on June 9th and 10th. Scrapbooking will resume in September.

• Staff has been doing a lot of research projects for various patrons and their genealogy projects. Library:

• The HVAC system is now complete with some of the City staff participating in training on the controls. The library has been very comfortable since the installation has been completed!

• The library board met this week and discussed some of the upcoming events for the library this fall. The non-fiction section of the library is being condensed to allow for more room for study tables in the northeast corner of the library. Upgrades are being done on the library kitchen. The collection is also being analyzed for materials that are in poor or deteriorating condition so that these items can be weeded out or replaced.

• Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn saw great participation in her Sharing and Caring Story Time, with special guests, Sergeant Tim Peterson, Brenda McDonald, Rita Fortner and Rylie Wright, followed by our Music Jam. Ashley Fenning and Melissa Mracek shared wonderful 4-H programs, featuring I Am Enough from their 4-H Reading Connections along with an activity. The Alliance Recreation Center participated in our Wednesday programs as well. Keep Alliance Beautiful with Kari Bargen and family shared creative endeavors with chia pets and more, with music and dance being also enjoyed! Cynthia’s “All Together Now” ongoing projects include check-ins with reading logs, press releases, posters, Facebook posts and website updates, as well as updating book displays and backpack checks. Final weeks of summer reading include upcoming events of Teamwork with Jordan Hooper, Cooper and Friends Puppet Team, one more Sharing & Caring Story Time. There will also be a Music Jam, Family Game Night, a Humanities Nebraska presentation by Chris Sayre featuring “Nebraska’s Musical Smorgasbord: Music from Various Ethnic Groups in Nebraska”, Youth Book Club, and Explore Alliance Together. There are two more weeks of reading goals with great prizes to share from local restaurants, Nebraska State Fair, the Alliance Theatre and the Alliance Public Library Foundation!

• Technical Services Librarian Emily Nelson updated information on the website, including this month’s staff picks. She also updated the social media pages, processed Inter-library loans, assisted patrons on the computers, and participated in the new HVAC system training.

• Adult Services Librarian Nalani Stewart hosted Fiber Arts Club, prepared for the Adult Summer Reading Macramé class, and cataloged new materials. She also planned craft programming for July, and hosted the Highland Park Care Center book club.

• Library Clerks Kris Wilder and Pam Becker have been busy circulating summer reading materials and decorating for the 4th of July. Kris has been helping with all the new laser cutter projects that are being created and getting them ready for the bookstore and the library booth at the Farmer’s Market beginning August 3!


• Mowed all large city lots.

• Repair two mowers that were having ignition problems.

• Worked on getting the irrigation fixed at bandshell park. Fixed an irrigation leak at Lions park. • Sprayed the softball infields, parking lot, and gravel.

• Trimmed at the cemetery and all parks in town.

Upcoming City Business:

• July-August, consideration of blighted and substandard designations.

• July-August, consideration of annexations.

• June 20th – First readings of multiple ordinances related to adoption of a new Comprehensive Plan.

• June 20th – Consideration of bids for 2023 roadway rehabilitation project. If accepted the roads which will see work include Box Butte from 14th to 25th, 14th from Cheyenne to Sweetwater, 12th from Box Butte to Sweetwater, Grove Avenue, W. 14th and Hammond Lane. Projects were selected from the City’s 1/6-year road plan.

• July-September, Budget: workshops, hearings and adoption.