Reflections for the Week of June 24-28


∙ Finalized conditional offers for two police officers.

∙ Met with HR about testing for sergeant/lieutenant and other payroll/process discussions.

∙ Callout: Home Invasion/Homicide.

∙ Met with Finance Director about streamlining process for fuel receipts.

∙ Looking into a credit/debit card reader for the Dispatch/Records window; currently we only take cash, which seems to be inconvenient for the public.

∙ Took delivery of our new camera trailer; in-person training scheduled for July 10th.

∙ Preparations for Alliance Clean-Up Day staffing.

∙ Staffing and preparations for July 4th Celebration.

Accounting and Finance:

∙ Processed payroll.

∙ Attended EAC meeting.

∙ Attended budget workshop.

∙ Attended GASB meeting.

∙ Attended Town Hall meeting.

Utility Billing Services:

∙ Cycle 4 bills mailed.

∙ Cycle 2 Reminder notices mailed.

∙ Nine new residential accounts.

∙ One new commercial account.


∙ Taxiway/Apron project update – re-painting of taxiways and aprons is currently happening. The contractor is cleaning the surface, painting, and sealing any needed areas. Painting will still be taking place next week.

∙ Sign panels on four signs on the airfield were replaced.

∙ Repaired siding on one of the warehouses.

∙ Picked up downed limbs from storm.

∙ Back filled culvert on west side of apron.

∙ Mowing of Runway 12/30 lights, perimeter fence, road to sewer ponds, drainage ditch on airfield, and taxiway areas were completed.

∙ Participated in a Wyoming airports lunch and learn zoom meeting.

∙ Met with a potential car rental company.

∙ Attended monthly Prairie Dog Advisory Board meeting.

∙ This has been a “catch-up” week after concentrating on inspection items. Started work on final capital item purchase of terminal doors.


∙ The Theater room was rented for a birthday party.

∙ The Alliance Police Department conducted a training in our building.

∙ A large group of students from Imperial, NE came to the museum for a guided tour and ate lunch after.

∙ Traveler numbers have continued to pick up, and the passport is bringing in many visitors to the Museum.

∙ Staff has assisted several out of town patrons who traveled here specifically to do research in our Heritage Room.

∙ Based on the increased demand for assistance with family history, staff is considering establishing a group that would meet regularly to work on family history. If you are interested, call Becci at 762-2384.

Golf Course:

∙ The course has been extremely busy with member and guest play – up from previous years.

∙ Junior golf is going great with 65 golfers participating.

∙ Grounds crew and golf staff are prepping for the Member Guest tournament next week. The tournament if full with 60 teams registered to participate.

RSVP & Senor Center:

∙ RSVP has twelve senior volunteers working in the community this week.

∙ The Senior Center hosted card parties, Bingo, Coffee & Treats, and movie afternoon.

∙ We are thrilled to announce that Dia Steele was promoted to Cook, and we have already received great comments about her cooking. Please come down to the Center and join us for a meal. For questions call 762-8774.


∙ As the last week of summer reading is coming to a close, we thank all parents and students who participated in this year’s program! Winners of the grand prizes will be announced early next week. Adult summer reading begins soon so watch for details.

∙ Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn has been busy completing our fifth and final week of the “Adventure Begins At Your Library” summer reading program with reading logs, prizes, progress charts and organization of cards for prize drawings. She also hosted an “Adventure Book Club” featuring The Campground Kids series by C. R. Fulton with a breakout box, held a “Stuffy Adventure” workshop, and hosted a youth book conversation featuring the Wings of Fire series by Tui T. Sutherland. Cynthia also did KCOW announcements, updated and organized the Book Mobile deliveries, made Adventure thank you posters, cataloged new items, and performed backpack maintenance.

∙ Adult Services Librarian Nalani Stewart cataloged new materials, processed ILL’s, and completed Book Mobile deliveries. She also hosted the APL Book Club, and the book club at Highland Park Care Center.

∙ Library Clerks Stephanie Hamilton and Pam Becker have been busy keeping summer reading records organized, process all the new summer reads that are coming in, and helping with the creation of items to be used for the upcoming Dickens Tea Party later this fall.


∙ Trimmed trees on the north islands and the old tennis courts to improve clearance over sidewalks and streets.

∙ Planted trees on the west side of Laing Lake.

∙ Mowed and trimmed all of the parks and sports fields as necessary.

∙ Edged the curb along 2nd Street by Bower field, and along Box Butte in front of the train and the new tennis courts.

∙ Sprayed Burlington ballfield.

∙ Continued to work on irrigation at the old pool parking lot, Laing Lake, and the Library.

∙ Started mowing empty lots on Big Horn and Potash.

∙ Had one funeral this week.

∙ Hauled mulch to the Golf Course to put around trees and landscaping.

∙ Trimmed and mulched the corner at Bandshell block.


∙ Completed 17 locates.

∙ Replaced 1-1/2” meter for resident.

∙ Weed eating at lift stations and fire hydrants.

∙ Hydro excavated fire hydrant hit by truck.

∙ 524 radios installed to date.

∙ Mowed around sewer lake RTU and pump house.

∙ Repaired 100 hp motor at sewer lake.

∙ Manually ran pivots for 2 days.

∙ Foxed broker drive shaft on north pivot.

∙ Vacuumed out wash rack pits.


∙ Completed 17 locates.

∙ Multiple concrete pours on Missouri Ave.

∙ Ongoing grading in alleys and roads.

∙ Ongoing street sweeping.


∙ 515 riders this week.

∙ 127 riders on Thursday handled between two drivers (great job Curtis and Paul!). Landfill:

∙ 301 tons of refuse this week.

∙ 318 customers this week.

∙ Planning for City clean-up day to be held tomorrow, 6/29/24.

∙ Ran burn box.

∙ Ongoing cover.

∙ Baler repairs.

∙ Routine maintenance.

∙ Began semi-annual freon purge.


∙ Along with representatives from the City’s Insurance Broker, Brown & Brown, HR discussed current employee benefits with City Council members. Brown & Brown reported on current and past financials and will help investigate future enhancements to the plan.

∙ Completing pre-employment conditions for new hires for Transit and the Police Department.

∙ Preparing for upcoming promotional Sergeant and Lieutenant testing in July.

∙ Assisting employees with requests regarding benefits.


∙ Participated in City Council budget workshop

∙ Attended the Governor’s Town Hall

∙ FY25 Budget preparation work continues

∙ Addressing personnel issues

∙ Met with Council Members and multiple department heads

∙ Assisting departments with projects

∙ Preparations for July 4th Fireworks show and City-wide cleanup