Reflections for the Week of May 15-19


• Taxiway B has all been milled as part of the ongoing Taxiway/Apron Rehabilitation Project.

Weather has slowed progress. Taxiway B remains closed while concrete repairs are completed.

• Prepared for the planned power outage on Sunday as a priority this week.

• April passenger counts included 349 enplaned and 364 deplaned. This is a record number of

passengers for the month of April!

• Service of deck mower and replaced blades. Training on mowing operations were conducted for

new employee. Mowing has begun! Terminal, maintenance areas, Runway 12/30 safety areas,

and road ditches done.

• Final inspections on signs complete so order can be submitted for replacement panels.

• Annual Airport Security Plan inspection was completed on Tuesday afternoon.

Police Admin:

• Meetings: TSA, LESO, PAARI, 911 Board, 911 System, South Central, Polis, FirstNet,

Microstrategy, Central Square, Metis.

Police Communications/Intelligence:

• Coordinated 721 calls for service.

• Completed 2 report requests.

• 1 firearm permit issued.

Police Operations:

• 0 K9 deployments.

• 1 accident.

• 1 DUI.

• 63 Building Checks.

• 27 Community Contacts/Business Checks.

• 3 Child Welfare Investigations.

• 11 Traffic Stops.

• 0 Vacation House Checks.

• 17 Active Investigations.

• 15 Cases Resolved.


• 46 Calls for service YTD.

• 15 Offers for service YTD.

• 22 Active Service YTD.

• 14 Medical Service Referrals YTD.

• 13 Financial Service Referrals YTD.

• 13 Employment Coaching YTD.

• 2 Graduates YTD.

• 0 Known relapses YTD.

Animal Control:

• 19 Animal Calls.

• 2 Dog Impounds. 0 dogs currently in the shelter.

• 1 Cat Impound. 1 cat currently in the shelter.

Code Enforcement:

• 29 Code enforcement issues.

Notable Service:

• Satisfaction rating 91.1%

• The police department had the in-person TSA audit for training files where all documentation was


• The police department had the in-person LESO audit and inspection of the MWRAP.


• Staff taught Box Butte County Sheriff’s Jailers CPR.

• Chief attended Box Butte E911 board meeting.

• As a committee member, Chief Shoemaker the attended 911 Service System Advisory Committee

meeting in Lincoln.

• Five Alliance Firefighters and Chief attending the 86th Annual Nebraska State Fire School in

Grand Island.


• Installed new number boards in Bower Park scoreboard. Installed Bower Park scoreboard on new


• Performed numerous locates.

• Installed 6 new streetlights on east 3rd street. Replaced capacitor bank equipment at 5th and


• Replaced a cutout and fuse from a “squirrel caused” outage on Mississippi and Missouri area on

Thursday afternoon.

• Finalized Sunday outage plans with WAPA. Performed inspection of generators in preparation

for outage on Sunday. Performed numerous “switching” operations to provide power to majority

of essential services during Sunday outage. Finalized plans and equipment needed to perform

maintenance work during Sunday outage.

• Assisted electrician with electrical issue in H row of Vista Trailer Court.

• Replaced secondary pole and hardware on Sarpy Road.

• Prepared new equipment for upgrade in portion of Lakefield Addition.


• Completed orientation for a new full-time employee.

• Coordinated hiring, meeting with new seasonal employees and setting up accounts for 24

Seasonal hires this week.


• 278.48 tons.

• 197 customers.

• Expanded lose pit wall.

• Moved bales.

• Baler door repairs.

• Replaced 4 rollouts and 2 dumpsters.

• Loader training.


• 605 riders.


• Cleaned debris from storm drains.

• Graded roads.

• Swept streets.

• Filled washouts and graded on Kansas overpass.

• Sign replacement.

• Pot hole patched.


• Weekly water samples.

• Arsenic and uranium samples at all airport wells, fire barn, FBO building, Carhenge, Elkhorn,

Colorado, and Burnham wells.

• Tore pump 3 apart at lift Station “A”, cleaned rags out of check valve, impeller and air release


• Fix communication at Well 6.

• Replaced blown fuse at well 3.

• Fixed communication at well 4.

• Tore Dan Foss controller well 7 apart.

• Weekly chlorine residuals.

• 37 locates. 10 work orders.

• Ordered radios for new automatic meter reading system. This will be installed and operational

over the next 2-3 years.


• The final preparations have been made for the Farmer’s Market at the library, which will begin

Thursday, June 15th at 5:00. Any vendor who hand makes or grows their product are encouraged

to join us! There is a $10 booth fee each week for an 18’ x 18’ space in the east parking lot.

Those interested can call the library at 762-1387 or message us on our Facebook page.

• Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn has had a busy week. “All Together Now” Summer Reading

registration has begun and continues throughout the program, including the PowerPoint

presentation available on the library’s website! Cynthia visited Emerson second grade

classrooms and a Head Start family socialization at Hoffhaus Gardens. Kiddie Kampus visited the

library with their children and families for a tour of the library plus receiving more information

about library cards, the collection, and programs. “All Together Now” children and adult

activities coming up soon were featured on KCOW Open Mike. Displays are finalized and the

first event for “All Together Now” is a “Sharing & Caring” story time for preschool through

second grade next Thursday, May 25, with special guests sharing our stories.

• Adult Services Librarian Nalani Stewart prepared and finalized application details for the APL

Farmers Market, assisted in the assembling of the laser cutter, and created flyers for Adult

Summer Reading events. She hosted a Bookmark painting event with the residents of Highland

Park Care Center and the Highland Park Center Book Club, and cataloged new materials for the

collection. She aided both the Technical Services and Children’s Librarians in adding Summer

Reading details and information to the APL Website.

• Technical Services Librarian Emily Nelson updated the website and included upcoming Summer

Reading activities on the calendar. She also made weekly Book Mobile deliveries, updated the

social media pages, and assisted in planning the upcoming Farmer’s Market.

• Library Clerks Pam Becker and Kris Wilder helped build some great book displays in the library

and provided much needed support in preparation for the upcoming summer reading program.


• Painted exterior areas of the fountain and started filling to rinse plumbing for the final fill.

• Pool is filled and water balancing and necessary equipment repairs are under way. Reassembled

all the fixtures in the swimming pool bathhouse.

• Mowing, trimming and picking up clippings.

• The Electric department assisted with scoreboard repairs at Bower. A volunteer with the Spartan

organization cleaned up the sign while it was down and it looks brand new now!

• All of the irrigation systems are up and running. Repairs are being completed as necessary.

• Game and Parks completed a fish survey at Laing Lake. They collected numerous 5 to 6-inch

bluegill, saw several stocked rainbow trout less than 10” in length, a few channel catfish, and

several largemouth bass. Most of the bass were less than 15 inches but there were a few larger



• Volunteers assisted with a cleanup day at the course. They cleaned out a large stretch of tree line

and performed other improvement projects all over the course. We thank them for their time and


• Junior golf signups are going well. Junior golf starts on June 5th.

• Tournaments season is kicking of this weekend. Preparing for the Panhandle Senior Ladies

tournament on Monday.

• Trying to keep on mowing in between rains.

• Fountains are in the lake and running.

• Started the spring application of herbicide.


• Working on FY 2023-24 Budget

City Council:

• Earl Jones appointed to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Mike Dafney. Earl Jones was

appointed to serve as Mayor, with John McGhehey appointed to serve as Vice-Mayor.

• Issued a Proclamation in celebration and gratitude for our police officers as part of National

Police Week.

• Approved: purchases for landfill nets; payment for FAA release of property; inter-departmental

loan from the electric fund to the general fund.

• Received the quarterly financial report from Cindy Baker, City Treasurer.