Reflections for the Week of November 25-Dec. 1, 2023


* Staff has continued to work on our upstairs restroom remodel project. Demolition almost complete.

* Preparing for the upstairs flooring project.

* Staff participated in IAFC-VCOS webinar “Are Your Antiquated Rules Driving Volunteers Away: Panel Discussion.” Staff participated in a webinar “Beyond the Battlefield: The Veteran Addiction Crisis, Treatment that Works!”

* Participated in the Christmas Parade – Home for the Holidays, first time in a number of years that the fire department had Santa Claus on a fire truck. We are hoping that it again becomes the tradition that it once was.

* Participated in a webinar with Cummins and the E-One Fire Truck representative on the Cummins Emissions Update.

* Weekly Department Fire training.


* Lots of holiday events are planned and coming up this month. We look forward to ending the year with a festive holiday season and on to 2024!

* The Christmas parade was a great time and the weather played as nicely as possible; the turnout was GREAT!

* Membership renewals will go out this month and new businesses are making their name in town; please come out and support-remember to shop local where you can!


* On November 29th, Career Connections of Western Nebraska hosted 262 sophomores in Chadron from 8 schools across the Northern Panhandle where they explored 6 Career Pathways consisting of 3-4 employers per track. Alliance will host the same event come Fall 2024.

* NEDA Board meeting was held via Zoom Tuesday morning

* Weekly NEDA Legislative Calls will begin December 1st at 8:30am via Zoom

Community Development:

* 7 Building Permits issued for a total improvement valuation of $230,628.29.

* 1 Zoning Permit issued for a total improvement valuation of $1800.00.

* 2 Right of Way Construction, Excavation, or Obstruction Permits issued.

*17 Plumbing and Mechanical Permits issued.

* Building Projects:

o 2371 Hwy 2 Westco fertilizer storage facility roof assembly is being constructed.

o 2453 CR 58 Jelinek Custom Cleaning office addition is framed up and sheathed.

o 211 North Park Estates house footing and foundation are complete and below grade plumbing is installed.

* No November Planning Commission Meeting Due to lack of agenda items.

* Board of Adjustment met November 21 to reorganize, approve minutes, and receive training.


* We are in the middle of hosting the 27th Annual Christmas Festival. This is the Museum’s one and only yearly fundraiser, and a fun way to kick off the Holiday Season. Bidding on the 152 fantastic items ends Saturday December 2nd at 4 pm. We will be here for pickup until 6 pm. Hot cider and cookies all day long on Saturday!

* St. John’s Brass will be playing at 3 pm right before the end of the bidding. They provide a rousing crescendo to the festivities.

* 38 children attended our 3rd Kids Craft day during the Festival. Face painting, crafts and the scavenger hunt made a fun afternoon. For adults the Cookie decorating class and sign painting class were another fun time. We hosted a retirement party for Dick Halstead who has been the Supervisor of the Golf Course for 35 Years! Good Job Dick, we wish you fun in your retirement!

* This is the last week for the ANAC traveling art show. We are honored to be chosen to host this for the second time. The show last day for viewing is Saturday December 9th.


* Removed old kitchen cabinets at the Senior Center. Moved cabinets and counter tops to the Senior Center and started installation.

* Installed new exhaust system on one of the snow machines and tightened steering.

* Worked on the snow blower in preparation for snow.

* Put up decorations at 3rd and Box Butte mini park.

* Assisted with moving Carhenge inventory from the Museum to the Pit Stop as it arrived.

* Assisted Museum staff with moving donations and Christmas items into storage.


* The basket auction ended this week and we are now ready to have a fun-filled holiday season for our patrons! We have so many Holiday titles, and will be offering some crafting options to make the holidays brighter! Don’t forget to come to the bookstore for a unique gift.

* Technical Services Librarian Emily Nelson made the weekly Bookmobile deliveries, processed Interlibrary Loans for patrons and book clubs, and updated information on the Facebook/Instagram pages and website. She also helped make several items for the Bookstore.

* Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn held a Dance Party for Story Time, and called KCOW’s Open Mike to make announcements about the Literary Baskets auction and Pawprint Ornaments fundraisers. She also cataloged new items, maintained backpacks, compiled November stats, and updated displays and December programming.

* Adult Services Librarian Nalani Stewart catalogued new materials, finalized the book suggestions for the January, February and March book club meetings, and hosted Fiber Arts Club and the book club at Highland Park Care Center. She also aided in training the new library clerk, and prepared the monthly stats for the Director’s report.

* Library Clerk Pam Becker has been busy adding still more new accounts and helping out with the bookstore and basket auction.

* We are all also very happy to welcome Stephanie Hamilton as our new library clerk! Stephanie has jumped right in her duties as we are excited to have her here!

RSVP & Senior Center:

* Moved all items out of the Kitchen in preparation of the kitchen upgrades.

* Continued serving dine-in and delivery meals to area seniors.

* This week 10 RSVP volunteers have assisted with activities in the community.

* Submitted the necessary PRS report for grant compliance.

Golf Course:

* Play is slowing as the temperatures cool off.

* Started holiday sales in the Pro shop in preparation for Christmas.

* The clubhouse will host several holiday parties throughout the season.


* Monday morning during airfield inspection the edge lights on Runway 12/30 were found to not be operating. Contractors aided in getting them operational. We were very fortunate that the weather was good to allow work to be done and pilots were able to utilize other Runways to avoid disruption of any services. Thank you to Wayne for sticking it out and putting in ton of hours to get us up and running again.

* New radio control panel is being installed this morning.

* MALSR system has the been the focus of my office all week. Searching for documents and multiple phone conferences with engineers, FAA, and Nebraska Dept. of Aeronautics staff. We are very close to having a solution with inspection to follow.


* 33 locates.

* Ongoing sweeping and drain cleaning.

* Continuing CDL training and testing. Peyton passed and obtained CDL license!

* Painted new handicap parking area on 11th and Duncan.

* Sealed bases on all crosswalk posts.

* Prepared snow plows, plowed snow, cleaned and maintained equipment after.

* Placed barricades for parade.

* Ongoing ice removal from roads.

* Pot hole patch work.

* Alley grading.

* Working on sign inventory.


* Completed pump #2 inspection at “A” station.

* Rebuilt chlorine pump at well field.

* Repaired fire hydrant hit by vehicle on 10th and Buchfink.

* Rebuilt 2” water meter.

* Shut of block of water main for plumber.

* Filled in road erosion by shop.

* Completed 33 locates. Completed 40 utility office work orders.

* Looked at airport wells to evaluate radios.

* Planned for new electric service on “C” station with contractor.

* Collected airport water samples. Collected weekly water samples and chlorine residuals.

* Placed order for grinder plates for A station.

* Began installation of drive-by radios for water meters. These radios will install in a fraction of the time as the previous system.

Public Transit:

* 987 riders this week.


* Took delivery of new excavator. Ongoing bulldozer and excavator training.

* 247 customers this week.

* 374 tons this week.

* Baler running again after repairs.

* Ongoing equipment maintenance.

* Added soil to berm.


* This week marked the beginning of the Open Enrollment process for Employee Benefits in 2024. Employees can utilize the HRIS to complete enrollment and HR has been available all week to assist with questions or technical issues. Employees have until December 3rd to complete the enrollment process, after which time HR will implement those changes and verify information between our HRIS and our TPA.

* Conducting interviews for open position and completing pre-employment screenings.

* Assisting employees and supervisors with requests.

City Manager:

* Participated in the Creative District Strategic Planning session hosted by Carnegie Arts Center

* Met with Box Butte Sheriff’s Office regarding interlocal response and call-outs to help the staffing shortage of both agencies

* Attended Safe Streets For All (SS4A) Grant Receipt kickoff webinar

* Performed annual evaluations

* Met with Jack Baker & Associates to discuss the City Hall remodel design and Flack Crosswalk projects

* Attended League Of Nebraska Municipalities subcommittee meeting to discuss legislative issues impacting municipalities

* Reviewed LB79 on the proposed “EPIC option” for taxation

* Project follow-up with department heads and direct reports on:

o Automatic Meter Reading project

o Tennis Courts at 16th and Box Butte

o Cabinet install at the Senior Center

o Excavator purchase for Public Works

o Authoring of the proposed Parks Master Plan

o Insurance claims and resolution

o MALSR(medium-intensity approach lighting system (ALS)) at the airport

* Writing Blighted & Substandard studies for the Community Redevelopment Agency

* Resolution of certain personnel issues

* Coordinated contract and meetings for Engineering Evaluation of 1207 W. 2nd as a potential Police Department station

* Issued reference letter for CHDO for a grant application to bring additional housing to Alliance

* Met with Public Works Director on department-wide strategic planning and succession planning

* Coordinated for implementation of new mass-notification software. This will allow the city to issue both emergency and non-emergency messages to those who sign up for the free service.

* Review of Police Chief Candidates.