Reflections for the Week of Oct. 11-15


• Dispatch center transitioned to P25 radio system on Tuesday which went extremely well with no noticeable interruptions in service.

• Officers unveiled the “new” SRO patrol car at the Homecoming Parade.

• Officers Norris and Rodriguez were deployed overseas this week and will be missed for the next year. We wish them safety and that their families will be blessed for their service and sacrifice!


• Perfect Blend w/ BBDC held Tuesday at West Side Events Center/The Patio with great turnout!

• Chelsie Herian spoke to Mrs. Stark’s business class on available buildings, funding, and entrepreneurship.

• Attended Manufacturing Day at the Harms Center in Scottsbluff on Wednesday; New Alliance & Buchheit Precision were in attendance representing Box Butte County.

• BBDC Annual Meeting, during Perfect Blend, Tuesday, November 9th – 9:15am (please come)

Community Development

• Platte Valley Bank was approved for a building permit to remodel 217 W 3rd and develop the adjacent lot.

• A Stop Work Order was issued for a project at 1327 W 3rd due to issues encountered with asbestos removal.

• Since the July 9th hailstorm, more than 800 roofing-related building permits have been issued.

• GIS is creating mapping to help track street projects and maintenance.

Human Resources

• We are hiring! For more information, visit

• Administered flu and COVID shots

• Implementing COLA changes and updating “new employee” orientation program.

Chamber of Commerce:

• Coordinated the installation of the new messaging sign at the kiosk located at 3rd Street and Box Butte.

Public Works:

• Street sweeping continues as leaves begin to fall.

• Pre-winter snow removal equipment maintenance checks complete.

• Erection of the building for Lift Station “A” is in process.

• Interior work underway at the new Public Works building and the sidewalk pour is halfway complete.

• Transit had 592 riders this week.

• Well house and lift station winterizations completed.


• Preparations for the FY21 Audit are underway.


• Finished up fire prevention school outreach activities, reaching a total of 599 students.


• Work continues on the large FBO hangar as part of the 2020 hailstorm claim.

• M.C. Schaff, airport staff, and FBO met for a phasing plan discussion on the Rehabilitation of Taxiways and Aprons.

• Participated in a zoom call with the Director of Aeronautics.


• Preparations have begun for the 2022 season! Maintenance on golf carts will be completed before we store them for the winter.

• Attendance continues to be good when the weather cooperates.


• Blew out and winterized the pool and irrigation systems.

• Cleaned up branches and debris in the parks after the high winds on Wednesday.

• Cleaned up under the 3rd Street Underpass.

• Fountain was drained and staff started power washing the basin.

• Removed materials after the installation of the electronic signs at 3rd Street and Box Butte.

• Assisted with funerals.


• The macramé classes began this week and will continue on next Wednesday.

• We are looking forward to offering more programming options for our adult patrons. We will be introducing some outreach projects with Technical Services with both WNCC and the Senior Center that will involve open tutorial times. This will be Monday afternoon at WNCC, and Fridays mornings at the Senior Center.

• We are planning on having several craft workshops for children over the holiday season. The pumpkin craft held this week was a fun and wonderful success and definitely something we will build upon! Be sure to watch for updates!


• The Museum received the offer of a donation of several taxidermy animals for the Museum, several of which are quite large. Staff is making arrangements to get a trailer to pick these items up from Eastern Nebraska.

• Assisted with research for several families and a class reunion group.

RSVP and Senior Center:

• The center hosted the mobile food bank this week. Food boxes were handed out to 417 people with the help of RSVP Volunteers and community members. The center works with NCAP to put these events together for the community.

• Staff assisted with preparation and serving food for local seniors. Volunteers to help prepare meals are always welcome! Please call (308) 762-3596 for more information on how you can serve.


• We continue to rebuild/upgrade the three phase lines at the City wellfield west of town.

• Working on a three phase rebuild project on CR 58 north of Perkins Road.

• Due to 70+ mph winds on Wednesday we had several issues to address, the most extensive outage was 4 houses out of service due to a tree which fell over into our power line.