Reflections for the Week of Oct. 25-29


• 2020 Hailstorm claim – work completed on the large FBO hangar. Work started on the ARFF station and the Maintenance shop however windy weather delayed completion until Tuesday of next week. The last building needing the roof replaced will start on Wednesday.

• Met with most major users of the airport to discuss the proposed phasing plan for the Rehabilitation of Taxiways and Aprons.

• Continue to have discussions with the Director of Aeronautics regarding airport issues and future growth at the airport.

• Maintenance staff performed the last mowing of the season and preparations for winter are complete.

• Agency agreement with NDOT for ARPA grant received to be considered by council on Tuesday.

• Building #3209 (old Vitalix truck shop) was shown last week and a proposed lease will be on agenda for Tuesday with the effective date of December 1st. The old National Weather Service building is vacant and is having the carpet replaced, after which it will be advertised as “available”.


• One position currently open for a Full-Time Fire Apparatus Engineer/EMT.

• The live-fire exercise for the Propane Emergencies Class was a success. Thanks again to WESTCO for supplying the propane and to the State Fire Marshal Training Division for instructing the two-night class.


• Staff finished blowing out the irrigation systems & concession stands in town and at the Cemetery.

• Started cleaning out the storm water retention area in the Southeast corner of Laing Lake. This included cleaning out the discharge area across the street to improve water flows out of that area. We thank the water department for their assistance.

• Trimmed trees around sidewalks adjacent to parks to ensure clearance for snow removal.

• Work started at the softball complex with removal of sod prior to regrading.


• Received two large shipments of apparel for Carhenge. Those items were sorted, entered into inventory and hauled to Carhenge; Staff processed and shipped several online orders of Carhenge items.


• Started setting up the basement for making and receiving trees for the Christmas Tree Festival.

• Coordinated the delivery of several new exhibit donations. More details to follow.

• Provided information for several off-site individuals who contacted the museum regarding building and family research.

Golf Course:

• The irrigation system is winterized and ready for cold weather.

• Play has been down, but individuals are taking advantage of the good weather when possible.


• There has been much preparation this week by Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn for the busy Halloween weekend here at the Library. We will have movies for the kids from 6-8pm Friday and again from 3-5pm on Saturday.

• The Alliance Police Department once again visited the Library for Halloween Safety at Story time. The kids loved it! Thanks to APD and AFD for all they do for our community!

• Book club had 12 members come together for the Tuesday discussion. For their next meeting they plan on a soup luncheon before discussing the book “Skipping Christmas”. Call the Library if you would like to participate. Everyone is welcome.