Reflections for the Week of September 4-8

Police Admin:

• Meetings: CALEA, Metis, Central Square, Vollee, PAARI, PCAB.

Police Communications/Intelligence:

• Coordinated 795 calls for service.

• Completed 3 report requests.

• 2 firearm permits issued.

• 11 Cases Resolved.

• 12 Active Investigations.

• 0 accidents.

• 0 DUI.

• 134 Building Checks.

• 20 Community Contacts/Business Checks.

• 5 Child Welfare Investigations.

• 8 Traffic Stops.

• 2 Vacation House Checks.


• 77 Calls for service YTD.

• 104 Offers for service YTD.

• 75 Now or Continued Direct Service YTD.

• 45 Medical Service Referrals YTD.

• 39 Financial Service Referrals YTD.

• 43 Employment Coaching YTD.

• 383 Services provided.

• 202 Individuals helped or reached.

• 2 Graduates YTD.

• 0 Known relapses YTD.

Animal Control:

• 27 Animal Calls.

• 3 Dog Impounds. 1 dog currently in the shelter.

• 0 Cat Impounds. 0 cats currently in the shelter.

Code Enforcement:

• 3 Code enforcement issues.

Notable Service:

• Satisfaction rating 90.7%.

• Overall crime is down 28.5% YTD.


• This has been a fun fall week, lots in the planning and events for the town are fast approaching, From Dobby Days Festival right around the corner to the Autumn in Alliance Celebration at month’s end, not to mention HOMECOMING on the 22nd! The Chamber will then gear up for October and the Trunk & Treat downtown on 300/400 blocks. Last year’s attendance was great!

• Ribbon cuttings upcoming for the next two weeks, so welcome those businesses with a smile and sale!

• Anyone wishing to volunteer please reach out to the appropriate event and offer a hand, help is needed everywhere!

• Time flies and the Fall weather is creeping in slowly, enjoy the greenery while you can! Happy Fall from the Chamber.

Community Development

• Pat McCauley started as the new Facilities Maintenance person.

• August permit totals:

o 15 Building permits for a total improvement valuation of $251,127.

o 11 Zoning Permits for a total improvement valuation of $13,550.

o 28 Plumbing and Mechanical permits.

o 3 ROW excavation, construction, or obstruction permits.

• September 12 Planning Commission Meeting:

o Preliminary Plat of Myrtle Second Addition.

o Blight and Substandard Study Area H.

o Blight and Substandard Study Area M.

o Proposed annexation of 2101 Box Butte.

• No August Board of Adjustment Meeting.

• Building Projects:

o Issued a temporary Certificate of Occupancy for 212 West 21st Street.

o Westco Tire Shop has scheduled a final inspection for Sep 20th with the anticipation of opening on Sep 25th.

o Heartland Flats south of Runza has begun work on their drywall on the upper floors and installing siding.

o Westco Fertilizer storage building is still working on pouring their concrete walls.


• We changed out a pole at 25th and Emerson that was recently damaged in an auto accident.

• Performed line switching to allow electricians to safely set light poles at the new Westco car care center.

• Performed maintenance on three irrigation well transformer banks.

• Working with Great Plains Power to finish up the east 3rd rebuild.

• We started replacing poles “red flagged” by pole testers.

• Prepared ground and placed forms for concrete storage pad in warehouse yard.


• Replaced missing street name signs.

• Conducted loader training.

• Hauled sweeper dirt stockpile to landfill.

• Painted handicap parking stalls.

• Graded W.2nd St.

• Finished all yellow painting.

• Completed 15 locates.


• 526 riders this week.


• 128 customers this week.

• 171 tons of refuse this week.


• Rotated tires on unit 502. Tire and oil change on unit 505.

• Pulled pump #4 check valve and air release on “A” station.

• Fixed generator and installed new breaker for service truck.

• Repaired alley 15th and Duncan.

• Graded wellfield road.

• Hydro excavated 2 valve boxes for street project.

• Drained Elkhorn tower for rehabilitation.

• Installed new VFD at wellfield #1.

• Replaced hose on chlorine pump at 18th and Colorado well.

• Jetted 3000 feet of sanitary sewer.

• Completed 15 locates. Completed 12 utility office work orders.

• Completed arsenic samples for Airport.

• Completed weekly water samples and chlorine residuals.


• Chief along with Nebraska Deputy State Fire Marshal did a walk-through of the propane distribution set-up at the new Westco Tire Center.

• Assisted Paul Read Construction with location for Fail Safe Lockbox at the new Westco Tire Center.


• Taxiway/Apron Rehabilitation Project – Painting continues. An inspection of all markings has been scheduled for Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. This will allow daytime inspection and then a night inspection. Grinding on some areas of the commercial apron and the west portion of the GA apron will take place next week.

• Preliminary work continues for the seal coat of Runway 12/30 and Runway 8/26. Engineering agreement will be the first thing to appear before council. I anticipate this happening in October.

• Working on plans to re-build berm walls at the fuel farm which was an item identified in the recent spill plan prevention plan.

• Final mowing of airfield before winter. This is the first summer we have mowed throughout the entire summer so staff is looking forward to winterizing the mower!

• Serviced the plows in preparation for winter season.

• Staff attended monthly ARFF training.


• The library continues to see a higher than usual number of new library accounts being opened! There has been increased interest in Libby from patrons who have not been to the library for years, so we are happy to see their return as well! Fall means the arrival of all the new holiday books for every age group, so come up and see what is new!

• Adult Services Librarian Nalani Stewart removed the older books from the new Fiction and Nonfiction shelves, hosted Fiber Arts Club and the Highland Park Center Book Club. She also cataloged new materials, and scheduled fall programming for October.

• Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn began Storytime and Lego Club this week, and also began distributing the Autumn in Alliance coloring pages created by Library Pages Cam Wade and Ava Weingart! She organized bookmobile deliveries, cataloged new items, prepared activity bags for children, and updated book displays for the young adult collection area!


• Technical Services Librarian Emily Nelson completed the Director’s report for August, updated the calendar on the website, and assisted patrons on the computers and printer. She also helped with fundraising items for the book store and made the weekly Bookmobile deliveries.

• Library Clerks Pam Becker and Kris Wilder have been busy creating new items for the bookstore and processing all the new materials!

• We are starting our Winter hours, Monday-Friday 8 am-5 pm; Saturday 10 am-5 pm & Sunday 1-4 p.m.

• We hosted the second program from Historian Randy Kane about the Indian wars and the Cheyenne Outbreak. It was a hit with the audience. Be sure and follow us on Facebook for news on our upcoming programs.

• We are noticing a rather high number of out of state visitors including 5 groups from various parts of Europe.

• The local Scrapbooking group starts meeting Sept 8th & 9th. This group is open to the public and if you are interested in this group stop by and check it out or call Becci 762-2384.

• Our second Barn Quilt Workshop will be Sunday Sept 17th. If you are interested contact Rose Mapel at 308-529-8992 or Barn Quilts by Artistic Innovations LLC on Facebook or call the Museum for more information.


• Completed all the mowing and picked up clippings in a few areas as necessary.

• Installed a new aerator pump in the Liang Lake Aeration system.

• Worked on the shelters at the Softball Complex as time allowed.

• Removed tall weeds from the 3rd Street Underpass.

• Mowed several empty city lots.

• Assisted with one funeral this week.

• Completed equipment repairs as necessary.

RSVP & Senior Center:

• Continued making meals for deliveries and dine-in.

• Ordered Kitchen cabinets and other supplies necessary for the facility upgrades.