Riverside Discovery Center Loses AZA Accreditation

By Desirée Drane-Davison

RDC Executive Director

It is with heavy hearts that Riverside Discovery Center acknowledges it has been denied American Zoological Association (AZA) Accreditation. AZA is an independent accrediting organization that regulates animal care and overall operations in zoos and aquariums. Riverside Discovery Center (RDC) has been an accredited facility since its inception.

“We are saddened at the loss of our accreditation, but we are thankful to the AZA for highlighting our financial deficiencies so that we can focus on making sure that RDC is around for generations to come.” Stated Riverside Discovery Center Executive Director, Desirée Drane-Davison “We are grateful for our supportive community, but we need your attendance more than ever. Come to the zoo, take part in our events, show your support for the gem that we have.”

What is an AZA Inspection/Accreditation?

The Riverside Discovery Center (RDC) recently went through our Re-Accreditation Process with the AZA. This reapplication is conducted every five years. Zoos that meet AZA accreditation are among the elite in the world in providing best practices, animal care, conservation, and AZA philosophies. The process includes a rigorous application followed by an onsite inspection by representatives of the AZA. This inspection took place in late June. Upon the completion of the inspection, the AZA Representatives met with RDC Staff and Board Members to discuss their findings. The RDC then had that time between the inspection and AZA Convention held in early September to provide responses, resolutions, and any plans we had to fix or remediate any of the negative findings.

After submittal of RDC’s proposed fixes, RDC Staff consisting of Executive Director, Desirée Drane-Davison and Keeper, Michael Gillen, attended the Accreditation Hearing at the September Convention in Columbus, OH. During this hearing, the AZA Accreditation Commission voted to deny Re-Accreditation to the RDC. The biggest reason for the denial of Accreditation were lack of sufficient finances and contingencies, inexperienced staff, and recent turnover at the Executive Director Position. While this was a disheartening outcome, it has energized Staff and Board Members to continue to improve and grow our Zoo.

While these were the main issues at accreditation, a silver lining can be found. None of the reasons for denial were related to animal care and well-being. The Staff at the RDC have and continue to provide the absolute best care to our animals. This can be seen by anyone attending our facility and observing our animals. The care provided by Staff has ensured that the animals at RDC tend to live well past their life expectancy. Often, as some of the oldest in captivity in the country.

What is RDC doing to attain AZA Accreditation again?

RDC is committed to gaining Accreditation to AZA again. Our Executive Director (E.D.), Desirée Drane Davison, has developed a great relationship with numerous people from AZA in the short time she has been with the RDC. Everyone she has talked to from AZA has offered any advice, help, or guidance they can give to help her and the RDC become the Accredited Facility we strive to be. The AZA wants nothing more than every Zoo to meet its standards as top tier facilities providing Education, Conservation, and Animal Care. This is evident by the mentor program they provide “Pathway Toward Membership.” Desiree has enrolled in this and has been assigned a mentor to help along the path to Accreditation. Additionally, the Board and E.D. are focusing on running a financially stable zoo while continuing to provide the best care for the animals housed here.

What does this mean for the animals at the RDC?

The majority of the animals housed at RDC are owned by RDC. We have reached out to the owners of the few animals on loan to us and informed them of our status. We are happy to report that we do not anticipate any of the animals on loan to the RDC as in danger of having to leave our facility.

What can be done to help the RDC in AZA Accreditation?

The RDC is very proud of the facility and experience we have, and even more proud of the communities we are rooted in. We are grateful for everyone who comes out to support us through general attendance, annual membership, events, donations, business sponsorships, and volunteerism. These forms of support added with financial support from The City of Scottsbluff and the City of Gering are our funding. We thank all of you and encourage you to continue to experience what the Riverside Discovery Center and its remarkable Staff has to offer.