SAA Completes Third Field Day


St. Agnes Academy completed their third field day on Tuesday, May 10 for grades 3-5. Students participated in tug-of-war, stations, a baton relay, and a 50 yard dash. The stations included standing long jump, softball throw, soccer kick, obstacle courses, parachute volleyball, and many others. The police department came this year and put together their own dizzy dash station that the students loved! Students wore shirts donated by Shelmadine Print Shop, which they were able to autograph during the break station. After the activities were complete, students ate lunch at the stadium while awards were given out for the races, jumps, and throws. Many parent volunteers helped make this beautiful day a success. This is an event the students look forward to every year.

St. Agnes held their first annual carnival on Wednesday, May 18. This event was sponsored by student council. All the students were divided into groups and spread out around the playground, blacktop, and gym to go through twenty stations. These stations included yard games, face paint, a book swap, bubbles and chalk, gaga ball, disc golf, and many others. The sun was shining and we could not have asked for a better day. The students are already looking forward to next year’s carnival.