Second Round of CDEs

This week we will be competing in our second round of CDEs, which are our hands-on events.

The events we will be competing in are Farm and Agribusiness Management (we take a written tests on assets, liabilities, calculate the amount of animal and their finishing weight to see how much feed they need to consume).

The next is Ag mechanics (learn how to do wiring, engine maintenance, and technology systems.) There are other courses such as Food Science, Vet Science that other FFA members will be participating in. Next week February 20-27 is National FFA Week.

On Feb. 19, the Friday before FFA Week, we are going to have a drive your tractor to school day. We recently read to the second grade classes “A Dairy Godmother,” so we will be returning to the classrooms during next week to make ice cream in a bag with them.

At the end of the week we will be having a group get together at the bowling alley. Thank you for supporting your local FFA Chapter. More updates to come!