Sharing Gratitude

With the final week of the summer riding season staring at us like a donkey peering through the gate at breakfast time, Charlene and I ask that you indulge us by allowing the expression of a few words of heartfelt gratitude toward the EPH volunteers. An undertaking of this scale would not be possible without their continued commitment and generous involvement with the horses and their riders.

What started as a labor of love over 20 years ago has taken root and developed a remarkably strong foundation which lives and breathes, at times, on its own requiring guidance and maintenance as it continues to develop broader outreach in bringing the miracle of the horse to more and more people. As the program expands so does the need for more dedicated people who also appreciate the mission of East Point Horspice. Luckily, this need continues to be met by both passionate volunteers, a pair of which who are celebrating 10 years of involvement at EPH, and by newcomers who dared to become involved in a possible interest and, we hope, will learn to marvel at the program as we have for over 2 decades.

Of course, the horses are a year long investment requiring support and care every day of the year, but the riding program is where the rubber meets the road, or more accurately, where the hoof meets the grass. It never ceases to be a highlight in the year’s activities when we celebrate the accomplishments of the riders and reflect on the progress made in 10 short weeks. Some riders have never been horseback, some are less outgoing and painfully shy in new surroundings, while maybe some are struggling with physical or mental setbacks that add to their challenges of daily existence. It matters not to the horses as they take on all comers and with empathy, compassion, and non-judgmental characteristics which make the horses such superior teachers and companions. The results witnessed through the horses are genuine and long-lasting and their importance in the well-being of everyone involved in such a program cannot be overstated.

Charlene and I are full of gratitude and feel immeasurably blessed to have a front row seat to this show we call Horspice. You are welcome to experience this for yourself and it would merely require contacting Charlene at 762-3848 to possibly change your life in a positive way.