Smoke and Mirrors

Old Junior High joke:

We all have eleven fingers and I can prove it. Count back from ten on one hand and you end up at six. Count forward from one on the other hand and you end up on five. Five and six are eleven, right?

Ancient wisdom from my father: “Figures don’t lie, but liars can figure.”

All this came to mind again the other day when I listened to the “good news” about unemployment figures for our nation. Yes, the numbers are low, which makes it seem that we are enjoying economic health. Until you go to the grocery store, get a notice of rent increase, tax increase, and decline of certain services. I don’t know all the tricks these liars use to support their figures, but it’s pretty evident that the reason unemployment is down is because a lot of people aren’t filing the claims. They have stopped looking for work because the subsidies our government provides make working less attractive.

Have you been in a business lately that doesn’t have a sign saying, Now Hiring? Have you talked to a business owner or manager who has a plethora of applications to join their teams? Everyone is short staffed, which has caused many businesses to cut services, cut hours, or even close.

Add the number of people who now work from home, full or part time. It’s frustrating to go to an agency hoping to meet with someone who can answer your questions or work through a policy with you. Often you are told, “That person works from home except on Tuesday and Thursday, and by the way, we aren’t open on Friday.”

Three different times last week we had errands at local businesses that required signatures and paperwork. Each time, we were told there was no one in on that day who could provide that service. “Come back tomorrow, maybe they will be in then, I’m not sure.” Frustration aside, it’s hard to save on fuel costs when we have to make extra town trips to conduct business.

As one who has mostly worked from home—writing and ranching are home based businesses—I ought to be more sympathetic. There are advantages to working from home, for sure. Less money spent on clothing, travel, lunches out, and so on. And for mothers of preschoolers, the reduced cost of daycare. But the disadvantages are just as numerous. Most of us still answer the phone when it rings. The laundry needs doing and, you’re home anyhow. You have to stop working to cook meals because the family considers your time is theirs, since you are present in person. If you’re working in your jammies or sweats your incentive to look nice and therefore feel good about yourself, is diminished. It’s totally unprofessional to eat a snack, comb your hair, or let the cat walk on your keyboard while conducting business, but I’m amazed at the number of people who do these things.

Like it or not, our self-esteem is inherently tied to the ability to earn our way and take pride in doing that. And self-respect is reflected in how much we respect those whom we serve. Meet me here next week, and meanwhile do your best. Somebody might like it.