Soil and Water Conservation Society to Host Meeting in Scottsbluff

Nebraska Soil and Water Conservation Society will hold its 2024 annual meeting at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Panhandle Research, Extension, & Education Center from June 11 to 13 in Scottsbluff.

“Each state has its own Soil and Water Conservation Society chapter, that meets annually,” said Robin Foulk, NSWCS member and past president. “We rotate around Nebraska and this year we are having it in the Panhandle.” The society reaches out to members in western Nebraska to host the event and get the agenda ready.

This year’s theme is “Tech Talks – Tech Walks,” focusing on various technologies, in and outside. “We reach out to members each year for subjects they would be interested in,” she said. “Some of the key talks will include Palmer amaranth control, soil health a major conservation topic and we’ll have the Natural Resources Conservation Service trailer, that will give demonstrations on soil health.” Greenhouses and their various designs will be looked at with talks on high tunnels, and geodesic greenhouses and a tour of the North Platte Natural Resources District’s geothermal greenhouse.

The Tech Talk – Tech Walk will also visit Meadowlark Hearth Farms on Wednesday, June 12. The farm is an organic heritage seed farm that promotes seed production.