Suffering with Sin

You hear the words “Be Kind everyone is struggling with something.” I reckon that could be right and we should be kind.

I cannot answer that and say that is absolutely true but there is one truth for sure we all struggle with in whether we are aware of it or not. Even a pagan suffers with sin for it will be their demise if there is not Godly intervention.

Some struggles and sufferings are good while some struggles are a waste of time. It is not good to struggle to get even with someone, forgiveness is a much better plan. It is not a good struggle to be the greatest for humility is far better than pride.

You don’t have to struggle to outdo someone else for that job promotion, if you don’t get it God might give you something better. You don’t have to struggle to be somebody when God says, “You already are somebody precious and valuable and my robe of righteousness covers all you sins, errors and defects.”

A believer is an Ambassador for Christ, their victory is already won, they are living to help and serve others no matter what their condition is, remember prayer is the most loving thing you can do for others. Let God use you this day, you will find your struggles lighter, your joy more bountiful, life more meaningful all because He loves you and I struggles and all, what a God.