What is a newspaper? It’s a window to the happenings within the community. From school board and city council meetings, high school sports and plays, crime and punishment. The content is endless.
But we cannot do it without you. It takes our subscribers and advertisers to make a paper what it is to make it great.
Our subscribers are faithful and voracious readers who read every article and look at every ad. It’s a joy to see your smiling faces as you walk through the door. Or to take the phone calls we get inquiring about various things. We appreciate you for the continued support you show us by subscribing.
Our advertisers that boast of sales, announcements of things to come and support of community events: like schools week and letters to Santa to name a couple. We appreciate you for your continued support of the community.
To our subscribers: we ask that you show appreciation to the advertisers. Thank them by utilizing their services. Continue to show them that their advertisements are effective.
We rely on both to keep functioning. We rely on both in order to place content that speaks to the community. We are nothing without you.
Share us! Share us with people who don’t subscribe. Tell them how you enjoy reading the paper from front to back. Show them why you enjoy it! We cannot thank you enough for your continued support. Your subscriptions show us that the paper and its content mean something to you. We will continue to record your history as it happens.
Thank you to both subscribers and advertisers for helping to make the paper what it is.