Taxpayer Fleecing

A classic Andy Griffith Show from 1961 titled “Alcohol and Old Lace,” featured two sweet elderly sisters, Jennifer and Clarabelle, blowing the whistle on Mayberry County moonshiners.

However, the Morrison sisters were moonshiners themselves.

They manufactured and sold their elixir for celebrations and special occasions.

Not everyday plain guzzling.

But notable occasions.

Sir Walter Raleigh Landing Day.

National Potato Day.

Panama Canal Day.

“Sorry, ladies,” said Andy during his bust, “but those ain’t legally recognized holidays.”

If TAGS was produced in 2023 instead of 1961, I’m sure the federal government would have found another way to fleece taxpayers by declaring them legal holidays.

More taxpayer funding for no service.


As you can tell by now, I am not a supporter of declaring Juneteenth, or Emancipation Day, as a legal federal holiday.

Paid time off for federal, state and county employees.

No service for the taxpayers who fund the salaries of government employees and the cost of their offices.

I also disagree with paid time off for government employees who allegedly celebrate Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Arbor Day, and Columbus Day.

In my book, these days should be an observation or an acknowledged day — like Flag Day, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Halloween.

Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Arbor Day, and Columbus Day are important days. But government workers do not need the day off at taxpayer’s expense.

Imagine a farmer needing propane or diesel fuel delivered to his farm on June 19, but the local fuel supplier tells him no because it is Juneteenth Day, and the business is closed.

Picture having a painful issue with a bad tooth, but your dentist informs you he will not see you because he needs the day off to celebrate President’s Day.

Envision having the only toilet in your house backed up, but the plumber is not working on Columbus Day because he is celebrating a Spaniard’s landing in the Bahamas from over 530 years ago.

Such actions would cost these businesses customers.

But government doesn’t have to worry about losing customers since it is an ugly monopoly. In reality, it sends a strong message to taxpayers that government’s plight is that of arrogance and not importance.

There is a federal holiday I am hoping that Congress will someday approve.

The Emancipation of Taxpayer Fleecing.