Teacher Opportunity Grant Awarded

Over the past 14 years, nearly 40 students and recently, teachers, have been awarded grants ranging from $500 to $2,000 to enhance their educational experience. The purpose of the grants is not to

pay for tuition and college expenses but rather to fund supplemental educational experiences, such as attending a writers conference, studying in Greece, attending a band camp, traveling to

Argentina to study cattle breeding, participating in a summer dance camp, studying at a university in England, etc.

“Our mission is not to fund anything specific but rather to fund opportunity,” Rod Romig said.

The winner of the 2022 Teacher Opportunity Grant winner of $2,000 is Mary Teresa Green. Mary Teresa plans to attend the Story Catcher Summer Writing Workshop and Festival, held in

Gunnison, Colorado, from July 19-22, 2022. This event is organized by the Mari Sandoz Heritage Society and Chadron State College, and will provide emerging writers a retreat and workshop

experience in which they can work on personal writing projects and be guided in writing instruction from professional writing instructors and published authors.