The Lord is Our Shepherd

Psalm 95:6-7, tells us: “Come, let us bow down in worship. Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care.” That verse is for God’s people. It is comforting to know God treats His people in the same way a faithful shepherd treats the sheep under his care.

Many years ago I knew a shepherd in the Colorado mountains who broke his leg while caring for his sheep. He made a crutch out of a tree limb and continued his duty. When the owner of the sheep came with supplies for the shepherd, he insisted the shepherd go with him to the hospital. The shepherd refused to leave the sheep until a new shepherd was brought. He explained if he left, the sheep might drift away or be killed by coyotes.

God is like that as our protector. He meets our needs better than even that shepherd mentioned above. God supplies good pasture and excellent care. Christians, then, will willingly bow before God and kneel, or submit, to Him. It is a great privilege in life to honor God as our Shepherd.