The Word of God

Years ago I was approached by a group of people who attended where I was the minister. They said I would please them and others if I quit using the Bible as my text for messages, suggesting I read other books and give book reports. I believe the Bible is the Word of God and a safe guide for my life. That belief fits all people everywhere. After that encounter I continued to preach, following God’s leading from the Bible, and still do.

I also questioned what difference there was between the above request and those who heard the Word, but didn’t pay attention. In John 20:31, God told us about the Bible: “These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.” Romans 15:4, and Corinthians 10:11, follow that same theme.

Those who complained about too much Bible were disappointed as I continued using the Bible, a safe guide for real life. The Bible remains as God’s revelation concerning His Son and our need for salvation through Jesus.

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