There are Many Good Things

I bet most of us could sit and talk with someone for awhile and state all the things that are wrong in this world, maybe with a little courage mention something wrong about ourselves?

But there is a lot of right things in this world sin just compels us to dwell on the negative. I know fears, sickness, and evil abound but still there are many good things in this life. I don’t want to confuse anyone, good isn’t always easy, sometimes good is rough and struggling. There are many good things because God has overcome evil, even overcomes the evil within our very own bodies if we let Him.

We are actually temples of the Holy Spirit when we believe. Shiny, bright, protected, and loved dearly. We confuse ourselves and lie to ourselves when we think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, but it really isn’t. We lie to ourselves when we think the color of our skin makes us less valuable, we lie to ourselves when we think we are less valuable with no sex appeal or confused about our gender.

We keep lying when we think our jobs are not valuable, we are made to work, it feels good to work. Many infirmed people would give their right eye to be able to work. There are many good things that people do to help others quit their vices, support and love their families, their neighbors.

It is good when God’s Holy Spirit renews a person from hate to love. Renews a person from fear to hope. It is even good when one can die in peace knowing that they are going to Eternal Life where there is no more sin, only true joy.

Your body is a good thing, no matter what your last name is, no matter what your past is, it is wrong to think you are done for, it is wrong to think that God cannot love you. The Holy Spirit will help you overcome and that is always good, all because He loves you and I and forgives our wrong thinking.