Things We Cannot Do on Our Own

There use to be an old saying, “If you want something done right you have to do it yourself.” Maybe holds some water sometimes especially if you want it done quite precisely and this means a lot to you. So I reckon it could be good advice sometimes?

In our spiritual lives it would be very bad advice. Our spiritual lives tell us that there are things we cannot do on our own.

We cannot really believe in Jesus Christ on our own, we cannot forgive and love like God wants us to, we cannot create humility on our own, we cannot have faith and hope in tomorrow on our own, we cannot know the forgiveness of our sins and our past without the Spirit of God. So does all that make you a weak and a person living a life in futility?

No, and no. It is wonderful when we see ourselves as weak and needy human beings, just wonderful.. For then we really become strong because we are depending on the one who supplies all our needs and has all the answers to life. God loves us too much to see us do things our own way, He really does!!! I will always be weak and needy but thanks be to God I know who can help me.

Blessed are the poor in Spirit for they shall inherit the Kingdom of God!