Titans Record 8 to 3 Win over Spartan Seniors

On Tuesday, July 9 the Alliance Peltz Co Seniors played the Titans from South Dakota. Big innings in the second and fourth by the Titans were enough as the Spartans fell 8 to 3. Post 33 tallied four runs in the second and three more in the fourth to garner the win. Spartan starting pitcher Cody Gallas went 3 plus innings and was relieved by Lexton Salcido who finished the game. The Peltz Co had 7 hits on the night.

Runs were hard to come by in the opening frame. An Alliance double play ended a Titan rally in the bottom of the first. The Spartans would get a hit from Jaxson Martinez in the second but fail to score. Titan bats came alive in the second with 4 runs. A combination of walks, hits, a sac fly, and an RBI groundout by South Dakota made the score 4 to 0 with Alliance trailing. In the third, the Peltz Co got hits from Espen Lanik and Tony Escamilla to get into the scoring column. Post 33 was denied any runs in their third inning attempt and the game went to the fourth with Alliance down 4 to 1. Spartan Kobe Strom would single in the inning but was left on the base paths.

The Titans increased their margin in the bottom of inning #4. Post 33 got 3 hits plus an Alliance error to score 3 more runs to surge ahead 7 to 1. A Peltz Co double play in the bottom of the fifth left the score at 7 to 1. In the top of the sixth, the Spartans chipped away at their deficit by scoring 2 runs. A two run single by Salcido made the score 7 to 3. Three Titan hits in the bottom of inning 6 plated another run as the Spartans fell behind by 5. Hits in their final at bat by Alliance’s Carver Nemnich and Kaden Ferguson gave the Peltz Co hope in the top of the seventh. Unfortunately both runners failed to score. Final Titans 8 Spartans 3

ALL 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 3

SD 0 4 0 3 0 1 x 8

Seven hits for Alliance: Salcido, Strom, Lanik, Martinez, Ferguson, Escamilla, Nemnich.